Thursday, 23 August 2012

More "Helliborine" Hybrids - Generation 2 ? etc

It is now debate time yet again! I have noticed quite a lot of differences in the Broad Leaved Helliborines on Hutton Roof. In fact a few of them lend themselves to showing traces of the Dark Red Helliborine within their make-up, and as such I am beginning to now think that these could well be "Hybrids" but from the second generation with a Broad Leaved Helliborine bias.

If you are further interested in the discussion so far offered on this, you can if you wish click on the link here to follow up at the (Wild About Britain site)

Because most of the Broad Leaved have now gone over, I need to get out today and try and photo some of the "epichiles" to try and establish if we have more of these "hybrids".

I was up last on Hutton Roof on Tuesday last and was checking out the three located "Autumn Gentians" and already, the best of the three has been got at! in a very delicate fashion, perhaps nibbled by a rabbit or even a mouse, but sadly it has taken off the flower stems has can been seen in the photo.

The Squinancywort is hardly present this year compared to the past two years, when it was literally fully covering the embankment for up to 100 yards. This year there is just small sporadic amounts over a area of some 40 yards. A very bad year indeed for this species.

A flock of about fifteen birds what was thought to be Siskin, flew over heading South, and gave the immpression they were on the move. Some of the Swallows and Martins have started thinning out now.