I am going to have to find time anyday now to check out some of the "Toothwort" sites on the other side of the A6. I have found it at "White Moss/Thrang, Eaves Wood, etc. But I have also been given a old list of sites for this species which I want to check out and record.
0545-0700hrs. A crackin "dawn chorus" as usual. Also Chiffchaff "Mo" was singing away from behind Hordley House (Burton), perhaps nearer to the rear of the Old Creamery. Also early doors, Chiff "Storm" was also singing away behind Russell Farm at Dalton.
0845hrs-1145hrs. Plain Quarry to Trig, then Lancelot, Burton Fell, Lancelot, Storth and back to Dalton.
There had been some good falls of Willow Warblers in the night, on both Lancelot (upper and lower) and also Burton Fell (middle to lower). The arrival count now stands at: Lancelot (14 calling birds) Burton Fell (14 calling birds) and Dalton (3 calling birds) in total to press 31 calling birds.
Most of the established Chiffchaffs were calling. Miss A Note whilst on territory at Pickles in Lancelot called today with her miss a beat eg: Da Dum Chi Chif, chaf Dum chiff chaff etc...
The quantity already arrived is probably near its limits for Lancelot, but I would expect quite a lot more birds yet on upper Burton and for Dalton throughout.