Spent the first hour or so checking out a old disused industrial site on the Kellet side of Carnforth.
Butterflies: Small Heath, Speckled Wood, Common Blue.
Birds: Garden Warbler and Willow Warblers, Chiffchaffs.
Moth: Cinnabar
Flowers: Scarlet Pimpernel, Teasel (last years remnants), Self Heal, Speedwell, Oxeye Daisy, Common Twayblade (21 flowers), Common Spotted Orchid (10 plus) and other possible Orchids showing leaf but not in flower yet...
Later on in the morning managed a short walk on Warton Crag from the small Car Park near the "George Washington" Pub.
Butterflies where in good supply, especially the Common Blues (20+), also especially nice to see Small Tortoishells (2), Painted Lady (1), Brimstone (1), Dark Green Fritillary (several), Small Heath (5), Speckled Wood (2), Large Skipper (3), also my first Meadow Brown (1). Everytime the Painted Lady got settled the Fritillary would come in at such speeds to dive bomb it and the pair would then go into a fluttering entanglement! I saw most of the larger butterflies feeding on the valerian including the skippers.
I thought it might be a little early for the "Northern Brown Argus", but I strongly suspected a very large hatch today on the crag at the more elevated area near to the rear of the Quarry... I saw about 10 and they fit the bill in size, colour, behaviour and marking.. but would like to check it out more if possible..
Birds: Chiffchaff (2), Willow Warbler (several), Garden Warbler (1) at back of Quarry area (near kissing gate)..
Flowers: Self Heal is now coming through as is Wild Thyme, also Red Valerian (some with White flowers and Biting Stonecrop.
Butterflies: Small Heath, Speckled Wood, Common Blue.
Birds: Garden Warbler and Willow Warblers, Chiffchaffs.
Moth: Cinnabar
Flowers: Scarlet Pimpernel, Teasel (last years remnants), Self Heal, Speedwell, Oxeye Daisy, Common Twayblade (21 flowers), Common Spotted Orchid (10 plus) and other possible Orchids showing leaf but not in flower yet...
Later on in the morning managed a short walk on Warton Crag from the small Car Park near the "George Washington" Pub.
Butterflies where in good supply, especially the Common Blues (20+), also especially nice to see Small Tortoishells (2), Painted Lady (1), Brimstone (1), Dark Green Fritillary (several), Small Heath (5), Speckled Wood (2), Large Skipper (3), also my first Meadow Brown (1). Everytime the Painted Lady got settled the Fritillary would come in at such speeds to dive bomb it and the pair would then go into a fluttering entanglement! I saw most of the larger butterflies feeding on the valerian including the skippers.
I thought it might be a little early for the "Northern Brown Argus", but I strongly suspected a very large hatch today on the crag at the more elevated area near to the rear of the Quarry... I saw about 10 and they fit the bill in size, colour, behaviour and marking.. but would like to check it out more if possible..
Birds: Chiffchaff (2), Willow Warbler (several), Garden Warbler (1) at back of Quarry area (near kissing gate)..
Flowers: Self Heal is now coming through as is Wild Thyme, also Red Valerian (some with White flowers and Biting Stonecrop.
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