Sun Oct 10th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs - 0830hrs also 0930-1030 and also 1800-1835hours
Wind: E15mph and becoming fresher.
Again strong winds spoiling, many birds including Redwings seen at times to be blown back. All Redwing movement to SW or SE
Meadow Pipits: 19
Redwing: 157 mainly SE but some SW(best parties: 9,13,10,30,15,10,9,20,16,10)
Blackbird: 16SW (one party)
Mistle Thrush: 11W
Linnet: 2S
Chaffinch:187 (6W all others E)
Brambling: 2SW (first of the year)
Alba Wagtail: 5
Starling: 220 (best parties: 20,30,50,30) all East and probably ex roost.
Goldfinch: 12 SE (6,6)
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 1E
Siskin: 2S
Cormorant: 1E
Greenfinch: 7 (3,4 E)
Meadow Pipit: 39 (best party 6,4)
Chaffinch: 26 (1W all others E)
Coal Tit: 2
Redwing: 53 (best: 21,16,10) all East/South East
Skylark: 3 S
Mistle Thrush: 19W
Goldfinch: 2
Siskin: 6E
Starling: 2E
Alba Wagtail: 1 SE
Linnet: 1 S
Greenfinch: 1E
Song Thrush: 2E.
Decided to have a walk over Hutton Roof at 1800hrs and on reaching the higher levels noticed that Redwings were pouring over, just how long they had been going I dont know, they could have been going for most of the day for all I know, but in 35 minutes from 1800 to 1835hours I had the following, all going from SE to NW. Wind had calmed down to Easterly 5-8mph.
Redwing: 1472 (33 parties: best: 50,50,30,90,50,50,40,100,50,60,100,170,60,80,60,50,40,40,60, etc)Meadow Pipit: 6 East
Chaffinch: 12 (all East).
Cant wait for tomorrow, just hope its clear!
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