at 0930hrs to about 1100hrs had a walk from Plain Quarry, through Dalton Crags up to the Trig at Hutton Roof and a little further.
A party of approx 30 to 40 grouped Meadow Pipits were very active just about 200 yards SE of the Trig. Also a party of maybe 50-80 squabbling Starlings where feeding up just below Dalton Crags in a sheep occupied field close to the nearby road, and a couple of Siskin moved overhead in a NW direction calling constantly with their poor "peu" ventril call. Also some Chaffinch at varied times moving over the Roof, not sure whether they had reached their migratory destination or where still heading South. A Great Spotted Woodpecker was seen, and the "echoing" "conk" call of the mighty Raven crossing over these Crags.
I am still finding odd samples (but mainly spent) of varied fungi and lichens which still makes everything interesting.
This time last year the Great Grey Shrike had appeared on Hutton Roof, but today, I spent lots of time searching its usual territory without any sightings. And neither where there any Hawfinches at the Plain Quarry Car Park.
3rd March
The continuing settled weather was a massive boon from the enjoyable
fieldwork point of view and by dint of plenty of effort there were
eventually a few re...
2 hours ago