Good sightings of Great Grey Shrike on Dalton side in the main and occasionally on the Common below the Trig 0900hrs - 1130hrs.
Checked out the impaling tree and noticed the Bank Vole had been turned around to the opposite way, but I am sure it was the same vole and impaled on the same hawthorn needle.
Also: Vismig near the Trig (0930hrs to 1130hrs)
Meadow Pipits: 160 mainly N or NW today. Mainly singles, best parties: 25,9,6,5 and 4s.
Redpoll: 1,
Chaffinch 4,
Skylark: 3 (2S 1N)
Siskin: 1
Linnet: 1
Also had 2 Peacock Butterflies, 5 bumblebees, Stonechat (male), Ravens, Song Thrushes, Kestrel being mobbed by Crow.
Odd specimens of "Rue Leaved Saxifrage" now in flower on or near limestone areas on the upper levels.
27th March
With dawn breaking to the sight of yesterday's blanket of fog still hanging
low over the island it could easily have been assumed that there would be
9 hours ago