Saturday, 22 May 2010

Capernwray Hall Open Day - 22nd May 2010

Spent time with the family and really enjoyed the tour of Capernwray. The students had organized it really well with lots and lots of activities, especially for the young people.

We began by having a short talk on the history of the building given by Mark Thomas, who's family purchased the building in 1946 and later opened it up for Spiritual retreat etc. It was a fully packed fun day "open day"....

Tours of the old building, waterslides, tug of war, haystack rides, puppet shows, swimming in the 3/4 size baths, wall climbing in the gymnasium hall, face painting, hair platting, bouncy castles, archery, excellent food hall, bar-b-que, and lots of free games, like chucking balls at pyramid tins, and other ball throwing games, making bubbles etc etc etc.. student musicians, spreading the word of bible study, etc....

"Here below is a little poem I wrote last March about a poor deer, which I presumed had been hit with a car and had succumb to its end at the side of the small copse - just after coming through the East entrance to Capenwray Hall"


Amongst the glistening snowdrops many,
In copse to Capernwray.
There lay a sad one with life no more,
This doe had seen it's day...

For sure you must have crossed that road,
A hundred times before,
That crossing was to be your last,
And never to do no more...

Laid there like that, you sorry sight,
I wish it could have been better,
For now the Buzzard and Crows will fight,
You to, will disappear forever...

Just up the road from here, was Lords Lot,
A wood of pine and bracken.
Suprise was given to a pair of does,
They must be friends of that poor soul....

Sleep well " Deardoro"....

(BJY-Capernwray - March 2010)