Went up to Trig today from Dalton plain quarry (0745hrs-0915hrs), More or less similar stuff about but definately increases in Blackcap with at least 3 singing from near to the Car Park, 1 Chiffchaff.
Definately more Tree Pipits have arrived eg: a new one in the open area just after leaving car park and before you climb crags, then another singing and displaying on the way up the Crags, and at least 3 singing and displaying on the deforested area.
GS Woodpecker drumming, also 5 Willow Warblers singing within 100 yards of the Trig point.
Also Bullfinches and Linnets at the Trig. 2 Swallows overhead, and also 2 Wheatear on the walls of the deforested, I am convinced these were "Northerns" especially because of the upright stance and also because of the mid-late April dates....
Then later went up to Derwentwater (Keswick) and had a cracking day, on way back drove around the back side of Thirlemere and what a superb place, it must be good here for Tree Pipits, and I would expect many Pied Flycatchers, and I wonder if theres Redstart! I must before long get up there and check it out...