Its now 0800hrs and earlier I had my first returning Blackcap singing from the Hawthorn Bank (Vicarage Lane) Burton In Kendal. Also had an additional new Chiffchaff calling from the Church Bank area of Burton.
Shrike on show on various tree tops from the Dalton deforested (rotting wood piles) from middle up towards boundary wall before Trig. In the main on his favourite tree. Seen to catch prey (Lizard).
Also: A Blackcap has now arrived to the left hand side of the Plain Quarry car park.
Willow Warblers: 5 close to Car Park, 4 between Car Park and the first open area before you climb Crags. 7 in Crags on way up before clearing. 2 at clearing (deforested) and another 2 on top of Common near Trig. (20 singing birds)
also: 1 Chiffchaff near to Car Park.
and 1 Tree Pipit on territory just has you leave the Crags and Wooded area and start to ascend the deforested area it is within 50 yards on the left hand side (Coast side). There is definately one and possibly two..
Also on vismig whilst I was there: all North/North West Meadow Pipit: 34 (best party 3) Skylark: 1, Redpoll 4, Linnet 2.
Also think there are a pair of Linnet holding territory about 100 yards South of Trig.
Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming in wooded area close to car park, also Green Woodpecker yaffling at the end of the Crags just before leaving to the deforested area.
Also lots of Peacock Butterflies throughout, especially at the Plain Quarry Car Park. And very early, very pale Painted Lady Butterfly on the deforested side.
Kestrel local, 2 buzzards local, 2 Ravens local.
Met some great people who had travelled down from Newcastle and also Ian from Chorley...
Sketch below: 1) GG Shrike on deforested area of Dalton today 2) Scan of my todays diary, 3) Peacock Butterfly taken at Plain Quarry this morning, and 4) A photo of the deforested area of Dalton early this morning. (Please click on sketch or photo to enlarge)