From September 11th to November 12th inclusive.
Whooper Swan: 7
Pink Footed Goose: 654
C. Buzzard: 3
Kestrel: 1
Lapwing: 4
C Snipe: 11
BHG: 46
Common Gull: 346
LBBG: 489
Stock Dove: 28
Woodpigeon: 2496
Gt S. Woodpecker: 7
Skylark: 121
Swallow: 82
House Martin: 9
Tree Pipit: 1
Meadow Pipit: 4469
Pied Wagtail: 283
Wheatear: 1
Blackbird: 128
Fieldfare: 24044
Song Thrush: 21
Redwing: 28477
Mistle Thrush: 69
Long Tailed Tit: 20
Jay: 12
Starling: 8809
Chaffinch: 5096
Brambling: 80
Greenfinch: 484
Goldfinch: 418
Siskin: 317
Linnet: 160
Twite: 1
Redpoll: 149
Crossbill: 1
Bullfinch: 1
Yellowhammer: 4
Reed Bunting: 48 1
Other species present on a regular basis where: Willow Warblers (many calling from Hutton Roof on most days during September and early October, also regular sightings of Stonechats, Ravens and other Corvids. Brilliant flypast each day of large thousand plus Starling ex roost parties. Also many Kestrel, Sparrowhawk and Buzzard (presumed in most cases to be local).
Unless I could be sure they were on migration passage, I did not include in counts.
Friday November 13th 2009 - Burton In Kendal
Wind: S 3mph
Movement as stated.
Starling: (9000 ex roost party only)
Goldfinch: 2S
Chaffinch: 22S
Woodpigeon: 323 (a definate Northerly movement going across bottom of Dalton (13 parties, biggest 80)
Fieldfare: 6 (2N 4S - local foraging)
Redwing: 1 (local foraging)
Greenfinch: 6 S
Pied Wagtail: 1S
Blackbirds: everywhere, must have counted over 50 in garden and local hedgerows. (99% males)
Thr Nov 12th 2009 - Hutton Roof Cumbria
Wind: SW 8mph
Movement as stated
Redwing: 66 (1E,3W,14W,10E,11W,27W)
Fieldfare: 100 (33SE,7NW,60NW)
Starling: 345 SE plus (ex roost: 5100) all SE
Chaffinch: 52 either E or W
Pied Wagtail: 2 SE
Brambling: 1 E
Goldfinch: 4W
Linnet: 9W
Greenfinch: 3W
Blackbird: 1W
Common Gull: 1E
Meadow Pipit: 6S
Wednesday November 11th 2009 Hutton Roof Cumbria.
Wind: E 2mph
Thrushes:NE to SW
Starlings: SE
Finches: E or W
Lots of small (3 to 10s) Starling parties on the move today.
Fieldfare: 902 (15 parties: best 200,180,200,75,70) all NE to SW
Redwing: 37 (3 parties: 11,15,11) all W
Starling: 293 (16 parties: best 60,20,17) all SE also: 7500 ex roost at 0720hrs all SE
Redpoll: 1W
Pied Wagtail: 2 SE
Siskin: 1E
Common Gull: 140 E (probably local foraging)
Chaffinch: 78 all E or W
Goldfinch: 2
Meadow Pipit: 6
Woodpigeon: 72 (mainly South)
Tuesday November 10th 2009 - Burton in Kendal 0820 -0930hrs Wind: light variable Movement: Thrushes all South all other movements South unless stated. I had actually call it a day with vismig, but Dave kindly rang me at 0810hrs to alert me to a movement of Fieldfare, which I quickly responded and went out in the garden and it was noticeable that straight away large parties where going through all South. This was great but petered out within about 45mins. Fieldfare:985 13parties,best:220,180,200,150) Redwing:14, Starling: 100 (60NW & 40 SE), Chaffinch: 34 Goldfinch: 2 Greenfinch: 2 Common Gull: 20 Linnet: 12N Woodpigeon: 6 Pied Wagtail: 1 also Leighton Starling roost yesterday evening 11th Nov 2009, I counted in at 20,000 approx..
Monday November 9th 2009 - Hutton Roof Cumbria.
Wind: Little and variable
Thrushes mainly West
Starlings: mainly SE
Finches: all E or W
Gulls: all SE
A few Fieldfare in first 1/2 hour. Best was a party of immature Whoopers at 0718hrs. Also Skylark (first for about a month)..
Fieldfare: 322 (11 parties: best 30,50,90) 15 SE all others West
Redwing: 50 E (just one party)
Chaffinch: 55 either E or W
Starling: 77 (8W all others SE) also 3630 ex roost at 0723hrs all South West.
Whooper Swan: 7 Immatures from SE (Kirkby Lonsdale) to my NW and then on reaching Burton deviated South (0718hrs).
Woodpigeon: 143 all SE
Common Gull: 113 all SE (possibly local)
Pied Wagtail: 2
Skylark: 1 S
Greenfinch: 1W
Siskin: 1
Meadow Pipit: 1
Linnet: 1
Mistle Thrush: 1
Thats it for me! another years vismig finished...
Sunday November 8th 2009 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: East 8-10 mph
Fieldfare: 10 (9S)
Redwing: 20 S
Chaffinch: 48 (either W or E)
Pied Wagtail: 7
Woodpigeon: 15 (SE)
Greenfinch: 1E
Goldfinch: 2W
Starling: 89 (all East, best party 60) also: 5,400 (ex roost party all SE)
also Green Woodpecker.
Sat November 7th 2009 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: SW 8mph
Thrushes: all NW
Starlings: all SE
Finches: all E or mainly W
All others South unless stated otherwise.
Fieldfare: 167
Redwing: 71
Starling: 127 E (8,40,70,3,6) also 9300 ex roost
Chaffinch: 39
Greenfinch: 2
Woodpigeon: 17
Common Gull 1E
Pied Wagtail: 1 SE
Siskin 1
Jay 1
Friday November 6th 2009 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: SW 5 mph
Thrushes: at first all West and later all East/NE/SE
Finches: E or W
Starlings: South East
Today there was a little Thrush movement especially with Fieldfares, but certainly not a move of urgency, just ambling along, unsure... A pair of Yellowhammers to E. Nice Starling Ex Roost parties.
Fieldfare: 1675 (25 parties, best: 120,140,100,140,200,140,100) All W at first then from 0730hrs all E/NE or SE.
Redwing: 116 (6 parties, best: 50,30,12) All W at first then from 0730hrs all E/NE or SE
Starling: 302 (11 parties mainly SE but odd parties NW) also Ex Roost today: at least 12,000 SE
Chaffinch: 84 (either E or W)
Redpoll: 6 (1W others E)
Brambling: 8 (1,4,1,2 all E)
Meadow Pipit: 13
Woodpigeon: 105 (40,60,5) all SE
Greenfinch: 8 (1E all others W)
Goldfinch: 10 (3E all others W)
Siskin: 2 E
Reed Bunting: 1 E
Yellowhammer: 2 E (paired)
Sparrowhawk: 1
Kestrel: 1
Jay: 1
Thr Nov 5th 2009 - Hutton Roof Cumbria.
Wind: W 3mph
all Thrushes mainly SW, with odd party W
all finches either E or W
Starlings: 99% South East
Woodpigeon: South West
Pied Wagtail & Meadow Pipit always SE
all others South unless stated.
Some Fieldfare were moving during first hour and then stopped. Rolling mist kept coming up from the Lune Valley to the East and would at times fog out, but would clear within 10 minutes, this happened 3 times whilst on count.
Fieldfare: 465 (12 parties: 40,12,16,20,50,6,80,50,70,20,60,40) one party West all others South West
Redwing: 6 W (3,3)
Starling: 337 (all SE) also ex roost party today 3,700 (0721hrs). again all SE
Brambling: 9 (3W 6E)
Chaffinch: 60 E or W
Woodpigeon: 97 all S or SW best parties: 40,24,20)
Redpoll: 9 (2,2,5)
Meadow Pipit: 6
Linnet: 3
Pied Wagtail: 1
Blackbird: 1W
Mistle Thrush: 1W
Siskin: 1W
Greenfinch: 2E
Pink Footed Goose: 200 approx, one skein N at 0922hrs.
Older counts (September, October and November) at Hutton Roof can be seen by clicking on this link:
27th March
With dawn breaking to the sight of yesterday's blanket of fog still hanging
low over the island it could easily have been assumed that there would be
5 hours ago