I heard several Redpoll calling and flying above the Woods. Its a very regular thing here and I am sure they must have bred here. Also calling was Willow Warblers and Chiffchaffs plus Blackcaps. There was plenty of Meadow Brown Butterflies, and also Large Skippers and Green Veined Whites.
Flowers included: Hedge Woundworth (everywhere on the rides), large coppiced areas within Lords Lot had incredible amounts of Foxglove which made a fantastic sight.
Located four large cast iron covers in the middle of Lords Lot Wood, which where inspection manholes for the four large 5ft diameter pipes, belonging to the Manchester Corporation Water Works (well thats what they used to be called - many moons ago!) and which carry drinking water from further up in the Lakes at Thirlemere Water, going via here (Lords Lot), Trough of Bowland, Rossendale and finally to destinations within the Manchester areas.. I was specially interested, because I actually worked on the 3rd pipeline (from Newton in the Trough, Great Harwood Golf Club to Martholme Grange (which is near Clayton-le-Moors, Accrington). It must have been about 1967....
Photos: top left: Enchanted Nightshade. top right: Self Heal. bottom left: Manchester Waterworks Manholes bottom right: Honeysuckle. (click over phots to enlarge and then click again for full size).
Flowers included: Hedge Woundworth (everywhere on the rides), large coppiced areas within Lords Lot had incredible amounts of Foxglove which made a fantastic sight.
Located four large cast iron covers in the middle of Lords Lot Wood, which where inspection manholes for the four large 5ft diameter pipes, belonging to the Manchester Corporation Water Works (well thats what they used to be called - many moons ago!) and which carry drinking water from further up in the Lakes at Thirlemere Water, going via here (Lords Lot), Trough of Bowland, Rossendale and finally to destinations within the Manchester areas.. I was specially interested, because I actually worked on the 3rd pipeline (from Newton in the Trough, Great Harwood Golf Club to Martholme Grange (which is near Clayton-le-Moors, Accrington). It must have been about 1967....
Photos: top left: Enchanted Nightshade. top right: Self Heal. bottom left: Manchester Waterworks Manholes bottom right: Honeysuckle. (click over phots to enlarge and then click again for full size).