Visible Bird Migration - Thursday September 22nd 2011 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: Still pretty strong on Westerley 15-20mph
Weather: Dry, 50% Cloud to South 50% Blue Sky above and to North.
Movement: Strict South with Mipits, Mainly West with Finches. all others South unless stated.
Today was without doubt the first day of showing Mipit built up with parties going through (in the first hour) in regular sizes of 8s and 10s, the best being 21 and two parties at 12. Expected more albas today, which usually coincide with the Mipits on build up. The weather, wind etc still looks OK for a good mipit push tomorrow! The finches maybe a little later.
Meadow Pipit: 361 (best party 21, 12,12,10,10,11,10,10)
Chaffinch: 136 (90% to the West, 10% to the East)
Greenfinch: 2W
Goldfinch: 60 (Best parties 12,10,8 mainly W odd couple E)
Linnet: 22 (one party 10 all W)
Redpoll: 1
Siskin: 4
Skylark: 2
Alba Wagtail: 3
Pink Footed Goose: 12SE
Goosander: 3W
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 1W (also forgot, but one yesterday W as well)
Swallow: 10 (1E, 9S)
21st Feb
The SSE wind continued and resulted in a superb seawatch with birds passing
through until mid-afternoon when rain arrived. Numbers were dominated by *Bren...
15 hours ago