Visible Bird Migration - Sat October 22nd 2011.
Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0800hrs - 1100hrs
Wind: W 15mph, then at 0900hrs swung to South 10-15mph
Movement: South unless stated.
Noticeable during the past few days that Chaffinch have took a dive which is regular by now, Mipits are virtually finished just odds. Thrushes still OK at early hours. Still no massive "push".
Fieldfare: 470 W (best: 120,60, all early parties 20s,30s or less)
Redwing: 76 W (best: 40,30,6)
Starling: 20 W (one party - also a few hundred x roost to E)
Chaffinch: 93 (W or E)
Redpoll: 6 W (one party)
Greenfinch: 10 W
Siskin: 2 W
Goldfinch: 7 W
Linnet: 10 W (one party 8)
Reed Bunting: 2 (1,1)
Meadow Pipit: 15
Skylark: 2
Alba Wagtail: 1
Stock Dove: 1 W
Woodpigeon: 27
Blue Tit: 5