Had a stroll from Dalton Lane, and checked out some Hairy Rockcress which I actually saw the other evening. There was at least 30-40 specimens at the Crags close to the Beech Woods... then up to the deforested area and onto the Common to the Trig and return. (Click over sketches to enlarge)
Tree Pipits, Garden Warblers, Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs, Willow Warblers all doing well. The Blackcaps have certainly took a backseat in relation to their vocal chords, now the Garden Warblers are back in full force. Also had 3 Buzzards, Linnets on Common, A single Wheatear (European) was on the wall to the right as you enter the deforested. Also had Kestrel, Redpoll and one Swallow overhead.
Early Purple Orchids where out in force on the common with over 50 flowerheads, also had Bluebells, Speedwells and more Angular Solomons Seal, Herb Robert now plentiful, Birdsfoot Trefoil and Tormentil starting to come through.
And below is what I think maybe a Stonecrop? and the bottom photo is the head of a Hairy Rockcress.
Just look at the crazing caused through the hot dry weather on the forestry paths