Sunday April 3rd 2011 (0900hrs) Had a (new to me) Chiffchaff calling from opposite the Greenlands Farm on the Burton Road.
Sunday April 3rd 2011 (1030hrs to 1230hrs) - Great Grey Shrike present in the mid deforested area on the Dalton side approx 1/2 way up the path, first seen on the post against the wall to your right boundary, then seen same distance but across on the left hand side in one of the larger trees, and then returned to the other side of the path where it was seen to go down for prey and lost from sight after that.
Also on vismig: (1030hrs to 1230hrs) Meadow Pipit: 120 (best parties: 25,9,9,6,5) Linnet: 3 Chaffinch: 2
Some Mipits seen to be flying side on to compensate wind.
Best migration corridor for Mipits is probably 50 yards either side of gate which leads up to Trig point.
Mipits as usual harrassing the Shrike.
Also Barren Strawberry starting to show on the Dalton Crags side.
As usual met some very interesting friends..