Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Jack Scout - Silverdale - yesterday 10th August 2010

1530hrs - 1745hrs... "Its a lovely area, and I was trying to find something very special"...I entered close to the old "Lime Kiln" and checked the area out. Limestone rocky outcrops, with interspered trees and shrubs and mixed flora, and with sheep grazed small pastures at various points and interlocking with well established footpaths. The whole area sloping down to its West side, culminating in either sheer drop cliff edges (fenced off), or alternatively a kind gradiant sloped pathway which leads to a more sheltered pebbled cove area and to the sands and sea close to Jenny Browns Point to its South. Today was so windy with black clouds going overhead, but yet the rain held off.
It was lovely to see many specimans of Dropwort, at various points to the west side of Jack Scout, probably the tallest speciman being about 18". Also lots of other more common species: Wild Thyme, Red Clover, Lords & Ladies, Ladies Bedstraw, Ladys Mantle, Harebell, Carline Thistle, Spear Thistle, Creeping Thistle, Daisy, Eyebright, Creeping Buttercup, Tormentil, Self Heal, Stitchwort, Ragwort, Yarrow, Birdsfoot Trefoil, Hedge Bindweed, Gorse, Bittersweet.

Found the "Giants Seat" which is so big and made of limestone and overlooks the Bay with excellent views, and with the Heysham Power Station immediately in front on the opposite end of the Bay.. also found a smaller limestone seat, to the East side of the site..
It was also nice to find Common Milkwort, not far from the metal gate which lies almost opposite Jenny Brown's Point (to the West). Closeby I also had several species of fungi (see photo - unidentified) also had the "Orange Waxcap" etc.

Another interesting find was "Traveller's Joy" (Clematis vitalba) which again was fairly close to the wall and near the most southerly stile. On checking out with the "Flora of West Lancashire" (Wheldon & Wilson c1907) it mentions "Under the wall dividing Lancashire from Westmorland in the Silverdale district, W.K) and its obvious this must be the same plant from all those years ago (or a descendant!!).
I never found that "very special item today", so thats left for yet another day at Jack Scout!