Farleton Knott and Holme Park Fell. (26th June 2011)
I don’t think I have ever seen so much fungi,
Every stride I took, it surrounded me on this path,
Brown and dark brown, about three quarter inch caps.
Just occasionally there is a much larger one with a nipple!
There’s always sheep in this field, and fungi is such a good yield,
Yellowhammers, delightfully called with their jangled keys and more
There were Linnets, Goldfinch, Willow Warblers and Mipits as well,
But it was just sheer bliss, to sit on a limestone boulder, close your eyes,
Taking in the peace and tranquillity amidst a beautiful setting,
Whilst being serenaded by a nearby Blackbird.
On top when your up here, nearby its called the Roof….
Not many walking today, just a couple of family parties on the Knott,
It’s so humid a day, and there is little in the way of sun, more gloomy,
But bright enough to get the butterflies started with lots of Fritillaries!
Dark Green, and lots and lots of Small Pearl Bordered fluttering by.
There’s also lots of Small Heaths and a male Common Blue. All this,
On adjoining Holme Park Fell as well!
It was great to find several clumps of Lesser Meadow Rue,
Eyebright as well, but so small and with a blue tinge!
Still remnants of May flower or Cuckoo Flower, and beautiful blue
Speedwell’s as well.
27th March
With dawn breaking to the sight of yesterday's blanket of fog still hanging
low over the island it could easily have been assumed that there would be
8 hours ago