Photos: 1st: a Yellow Waxcap fungi (Hygrocybe persisitens-not 100%), found in a dark spot under dense cover of hazels. 2nd: A Small Tortoiseshell & a Peacock trying to share the feed on a Common Knapweed. 3rd: A Fritillary (either Dark Green or High Brown!) 4th: Lichen found on a large boulder (see 5th) 5th: A large boulder (approx 9ft x 5ft) which seemed to be lying so precarious within a thick Hazel copse. 6th a Leucozona Lucorum feeding on a Buddlea (Butterfly Bush) near the entrance from Yealand Storrs End.
27th March
With dawn breaking to the sight of yesterday's blanket of fog still hanging
low over the island it could easily have been assumed that there would be
6 hours ago