On our way through we had left cloudy, yet blue skies whilst passing by Grasmere and Rydal, yet as soon as we had started to climb at Dunmail Raise, the sky darkened and at times threatening rain clouds appeared... but we never saw any rain, it remained a most pleasant day. Even on our retreat back home, once having left behind Dunmail, and passing through by the lower lakes, the blue skies began to appear more frequent again.
Photos above are: Top left: view from Friars Crag, Top right: Great Burnet - a flower in decline.
Bottom left: Hedge Woundwort, Bottom Centre: Trees with plenty of root showing, bottom right: Self Heal... and finally below is a Commemorative Stone for 100 years of the National Trust, placed at Derwentwater in 1995. Please click over photos once, and then click over yet again for full enlargement...