Friday 6th November 2015 - Hutton Roof (West) 0715hrs to 0845hrs
Wind: South 9-17mph, 12c, 76% Cloud cover, 1009mb pressure. Odd light rain flurry with rainbow. Superquiet this morning.
Chaffinch: 19 SE
Alba Wagtail: 7 SE
Meadow Pipit: 13 SE
Goldfinch: 1 SE
Fieldfare: 7 SE
Redwing: 17 (10 SW rest SE)
Starling: 131 (31W rest x roost to SE)
Woodpigeon: 36 NW
Yellowhammer: 15 local wintering party.
Thursday 5th November 2015 - Hutton Roof (West) 0715hrs to 0900hrs
Wind SE 10-15mph, 9c, 100% Cloud cover, 1011mb pressure - light drizzle and rain from 0845hrs.
Confirmation of even more Meadow Pipits coming through which I have never seen before so late in the year.
Meadow Pipit: 111 (singles and pairs and parties of 12,60,30) the high numbered blogging parties had been down on the maize fields and then went off to the South East - Usually around this time of year you would not get numbers above 10 Mipits anywhere from about October 10th, so why all of a sudden are we getting this surge!
Chaffinch: 77 SE (a little better today)
Greenfinch: 3 W
Goldfinch 56 SE (best: 25,20,5)
Alba Wagtail: 14 SE
Fieldfare: 22 SE (one party 20)
Redwing: 12 SE
Starling: 75 W
Woodpigeon: 10 S
Wednesday 4th November 2015 - Hutton Roof (West) 0700hrs to 0830hrs
Wind ESE 10-12mph, 9-11c, 100% Cloud cover, 1012mb pressure. Very dark first thing with nothing hardly moving, just dribs and drabs, had enough by 0830hrs.
Greenfinch: 3 SE
Redpoll: 2 SE
Chaffinch: 26 SE
Meadow Pipit: 23 SE
Alba Wagtail: 1 SE
Fieldfare: 8 SE (4 N)
Redwing: 24 SE
Mistle Thrush: 1 SE
Blackbird: 1 SE
Starling: 40W (15,25)
Woodpigeon: 26 (3SE,10W,13NW)
Clive McKay checking out the vis on Hutton Roof (UK's National Co-ordinater for Trektellen Bird Site)
Tuesday 3rd November 2015 - Hutton Roof (West then East) 0700hrs to 1000hrs
Wind: South East 3-5mph, 5-9c, 20% Cloud, 1016mb pressure. Mist coming up especially from the West side and eventually shrouding the lower (west side site) so we moved further up on to the edge of Farleton (East side). It was a lovely pleasure today to be joined by friend Clive McKay who was on a flying visit from Scotland and I was able to show him my local patch. I am sure he enjoyed it.
Redwing: 132 mainly SW (7 parties)
Fieldfare: 805 mainly SW but some S and SE (18 parties)
Woodpigeon: 346S (10 parties)
Starling: 56 W (1 party 50)
Alba Wagtail: 2SE
Goldfinch: 12 (one party 10)
Chaffinch: 17 SE
Goldcrest: 1E
Meadow Pipit: 3S (but score or so blogging)
Spoarrowhawk: 1SW
also 2 local Peregrine and 2 local Yellowhammer.
A spiders web in my garden (2nd Nov) caught up with thousands of dewdrops (Click over to enlarge)
Monday 2nd November 2015 - Vicarage Ln, Burton In Kendal 0700hrs to 0930hrs
Wind: SSE 5-6mph, 10c, 22% Cloud cover, 1024mb pressure. Clear were I was but fogbound in the lower levels and making sky creamy and difficult to distinguish birds at times.
Redwing: 82 mainly SW (20W 6 parties)
Fieldfare: 367 S/SE (8 parties)
Woodpigeon: 451 S (24 parties all S)
Starling: 149 W (8 parties - best 50)
Alba Wagtail: 4
Greenfinch: 1
Redpoll: 1
Skylark: 1
Goldfinch: 5
Linnet: 1
Chaffinch: 65 SE
Crossbill: audible only ?
Pink Footed Goose: 140W
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 1
Red Admiral Butterfly: 1
A local roving party of approx 20 Yellowhammer and a local roving party of 31 Long Tailed Tits
Sunday 1st November 2015 - No Counts today - Totally Fogbound
SE 6-7 mph, 10-12c, 1027mb pressure
Good counts of Fieldfare (3000) down in Rossendale