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Skyskape looking East - Vic Lane 26th October 2018 (Click over to enlarge)
Elephant found under the railway tunnel at "Burtlands" on way to mosses
Click over to enlarge
14th October 2018
I think this might be "Ramariopsis subtilis"
I think this might be "Ramariopsis subtilis"
I think this one is WRINKLED CLUB (Clavulina rugosa)
This beautiful red sky is what the Starlings were faced with this morning - Wed 31st October 2018 (Halloween) Hutton Roof (from my watchpoint Burton In Kendal)
I certainly experienced something different this morning, which I have never seen before!
About 2,000 Starling came through in one wave (after leaving their roost which is about 5 miles to my West) and normally would continue East to their feeding grounds around Kirkby Lonsdale etc., just has they passed me at about 50ft high they suddenly they all tumbled down quickly to the nearest tree or the trees of near by Pickles Wood close by at the base of Hutton Roof to take cover (never done this before to my knowledge). There they all started chattering with a enormous collective sound just like you would normally hear if you went along to their evening roost site. After the red skies on their horizon had almost subsided perhaps 20 minutes later the birds started to leave the temporary holding area in small parties of 50 or more at a time, the evacuation lasted for some 20 minutes. I can only think that perhaps the sight of that red sky had "spooked" them! and they were showing that they wanted to get into the "Halloween" mood (spooky)......

Skyskape looking East - Vic Lane 26th October 2018 (Click over to enlarge)
Tonights sunset over Leighton Moss - taken from near the Mosses at Burton In Kendal (21st Oct 2018)
Enjoyed a lovely walk out by the old station at Burton, with thousands (yes thousands) of Starlings flying low overhead on their way back to Leighton Moss for their nightly roost. Some of them formed balls over "Moss Farm" before carrying on. A fabulous hour which was at its peak at around 5.30pm. This was the sky at around 6pm.
(Talking in recent days to a Shooter before his first of the year pheasant shoot this coming Saturday)
The pleasant pheasant or pheasants are always stood in the lane,
Some are noisy and rambling amongst the fodder beet
They appear to give the impression they are so stupid!
But so soon they learn to recognise things, like -
the smell of the Gun, and car doors banging simultaneously,
" They are the sounds of the shooters coming after us they say"
so on hearing this will try to skulk off in a orderly fashion one behind the other,
just like you see a train and its carriages,
The searching dogs will disturb your peace and quiet and make you lift to the skies
Just before all hell lets loose.....
Elephant found under the railway tunnel at "Burtlands" on way to mosses
Click over to enlarge
14th October 2018
Tuesday 2nd October 2018 - Sunrise and Skyscapes over Burton In Kendal 0700hrs to 0830hrs
Monday 1st October 2018 - Checking out some nice fungi at the back of Kelker 1000hrs to 1100hrs
Monday 1st October 2018 - Checking out some nice fungi at the back of Kelker 1000hrs to 1100hrs
I think this might be "Ramariopsis subtilis"
I think this one is WRINKLED CLUB (Clavulina rugosa)
Monday 1st October 2018 - "Old Lime Kiln" at the side of the footpath to the West side of Whinn Yeates Farm 0915hrs to 1000hrs.
Went this morning to check out the Ferns which are within the crevice and other areas of this old lime kiln. Here are some photos which show the area etc.
Here below is a photo of the area on Holme Stinted Pastures which is fenced in. Its a small pond area taken over by "Bullrush", but so important for the frogs etc. But also of great interest is the construction of the fencing and gate done in country traditional style. Here is a couple of photos I took last week.
Went this morning to check out the Ferns which are within the crevice and other areas of this old lime kiln. Here are some photos which show the area etc.
This photo shows the old filled in Lime Kiln which lies next to the farm track and footpath to the West side of the Whinn Yeates Farm. Note to the higher right of the photo a small open entry which may well have been the chimney, but its a cracking little fern area which can be seen in the following photos.
This photo shows the track/footpath which runs just at the side of the Old Kiln. When you go by this route you come to a solitary large overhanging tree which is a "Ash" and if you count 107 average paces you will then have arrived at the Old Kiln.
This is showing to the right hand side of the old kiln, but also shows to the middle right of the photo the opening area I mentioned which may well have been a chimney outlet or something, but if you look at the next photo you will see just what a special place it is for the ferns.
In this particular small section I was fortunate to recognize what I took to be Maidenhair Spleenwort (Trichomanes), also Brittle Bladder Fern, Black Spleenwort and Harts Tongue (Scollie)
This photo shows Maidenhair Spleenwort Fern, Rusty Back Fern and Black Spleenwort
Maidenhair Spleenwort Fern, Rusty Back Fern and Black Spleenwort
Asplenium Ceterach - Rusty Back Fern
Black Spleenwort
Common Wall Rue
Shows both Maidenhair Spleenwort and Rusty Back
Rusty Back
Maidenhair Spleenwort and Rusty Back Fern
Maidenhair Spleenwort, Rusty Back Fern and Black Spleenwort
Brittle Bladder Fern, Harts Tongue Fern, Maidenhair Spleenwort
Maidenhair Spleenwort which I wonder if it is a hybrid trichomanes and also in the photo is Black Spleenwort
Maidenhair Spleenwort and Brittle Bladder Fern
Maidenhair Spleenwort which I am sure could be a hybrid and will seek advice on this.
Here below is a photo of the area on Holme Stinted Pastures which is fenced in. Its a small pond area taken over by "Bullrush", but so important for the frogs etc. But also of great interest is the construction of the fencing and gate done in country traditional style. Here is a couple of photos I took last week.