Wednesday 9 July 2014

Dark Red Helliborine - The Rare Variant known as "Lutescens"

The rare Dark Red Helliborine variant "Lutescens"
Having been tipped off a few days earlier about a good population of epipactis spikes (thanks to Steve Matthewman) and eventually getting around to checking out the area,  I could not believe my eyes at first when I was so lucky to find this plant yesterday afternoon, and I can now say that this is only the second time ever that the rare "Lutescens" has ever been recorded in Cumbria and it was instantly recognized by the general "yellow/creamy" colour within its flowerhead (as seen above).

Just as interesting was another rarity closeby but this time instead of the "reddish" surround colour it was totally green with a yellow/cream inside of the flower.  For now its being classified as yet another "Lutescens".

Another rare "Lutescens" variant found today. 
 here is another photo showing 3/4 of the plant, and here we are waiting for most of the buds to open.  This will be eagerly awaited over the coming days.
A  3/4 view of the rare "Lutescens" found today. 
Besides the variants I did also manage to get more confirmations on a definate couple but possible a quartet of Epipactis Schmalhauseneii the rare hybrid, which to press brings my total records of the rare hybrids up to around the 10 mark for the whole of the area (rare hybrids), although there is several more still on hold and awaiting their full diagnosis.

More and more epipactis evaluated today and even more to check out over the coming days.  Further hybrid or variant news in a day or two.