Visible Migration Friday 5th October 2012 Hutton Roof.
0715hours to 0815hours: Westerly 6 to 8mph.
Movement South unless stated.
Meadow Pipit: 35
Chaffinch: 23
Alba Wagtail: 7
Greenfinch: 2
Goldfinch: 6
Near Outfield Farm, Near Docker.
0845hours to 0945hrs
Chaffinch: 29
Meadow Pipit: 12
Alba Wagtail: 1
Woodpigeon: 5
Swallow: 2
Crossbill: 5W
Linnet: 1
Visible Migration Sunday 7th October 2012 Hutton Roof.
Wind NW 2 to 3 mph. Clear Blue skies, frost at start
Movement South unless stated.
First day of early Redwing passage. A pair of Twite nice suprise
Redwing: 71 all East /NE (14,13,5,5,2,7,9,9)
Blackbird: 1W
Mistle Thrush 1W
Goldfinch: 13 (6E all others W)
Chaffinch: 193 (mainly W some E)
Starling: 39 E
Meadow Pipit: 51
Redpoll: 15W
Greenfinch: 4W
Linnet: 6W
Twite: 2W
Alba Wagtail: 4
Jay 3 SW
Reed Bunting: 1
Woodpigeon: 56 all East (40,10)
Jackdaw: 100 (60W,40W) tight balls
More Stonechats
A dry day with sunny spells. A south to SW wind.
*Heysham skear - low water 08:40. (Malcolm)*
*Pale-bellied Brent goose* 26
Pink-Footed goose 50 SE and 23 N...
1 hour ago