Visible Migration Wednesday 7th November 2012 - Slape Lane, Burton In Kendal.
0800hrs - 0900hrs.
Wind: Westerley 10-15mph
Movement: West unless stated.
Fieldfare 30W
Starling 143W
Chaffinch: 15SW
Greenfinch: 2W
Meadow Pipit: 2S
Woodpigeon: 62 NW
Pink Footed Goose: 40W (0802hrs)
This is a true story, just what happened to me this morning...
I went to my usual place on Slape Lane (Burton In Kendal) and the field was full of sheep. Not worried about that I crossed the field and set up with my chair and everything else I tag along. Before long I noticed this "heavy duty" sheep (really good condition I thought) looking towards me quite bewildered and sort of staring at me!, before long it came close by in hot pursuit of this other sheep in front. Then the penny finally dropped and I noticed the "heavy duty" sheep was actually showing a large manhood sack and his forehead looked heavy going too. But thankfully he trundled off in pursuit of his sheep. So I sort of settled down and tried to concentrate on the "birdless" skies, but then soon after, I noticed that another "three" of these heavy duties started to circle around me and each one of them was giving me the "evils" for what seemed ages. I imagined for a moment or so that they looked like anytime they would start pounding the floor with their feet before going into the "full charge".
I soon realised I was on someone else's patch today, so quickly packed up, hid my chair and vacated to a safer place.
Visible Migration Monday 5th November 2012 - Slape Lane, Burton In Kendal, Cumbria.
0730hrs - 0900hrs
Wind: Westerly 2mph and variable
Movement: West unless stated otherwise.
Fieldfare: 34 (30W one party and 4 SW)
Redwing: 10 SW one party.
Starling: 39 (34W and 5SW)
Chaffinch: 11 (mainly W)
Greenfinch: 1
Woodpigeon: 126 mainly SW plus another party of 200 which could have been locals feeding on spent maize.
Visible Migration Sunday 4th November 2012 - Slape Lane, Burton in Kendal, Cumbria.
0730 to 0900hrs,
Wind: Easterly 12-15mph with gust to 20
Movement: West unless stated otherwise.
Fieldfare: 50 mainly W, some SW best: 30,7,5.
Starling: 206 (130 W the rest S)
Woodpigeon: 158 W or SW
Chaffinch: 29 mainly W
Goldfinch: 7 SW
Greenfinch: 1 SW
Alba Wagtail: 2 SW
Meadow Pipit: 6 SW
Pink Footed Goose: 17W at 0800hrs and also a little later 7 SW
Visible Migration - Friday 2nd November 2012 - Slape Lane, Burton In Kendal Cumbria.
Wind: SW 20-25 mph.
Movement: West unless stated.
Even quieter. Fieldfare local flock now down to about one hundred birds, still enjoying themselves on the local spills.
Fieldfare: 29 W (one party 20, 7 others singles)
Redwing: 1 W
Starling: 69 (58W and 11S)
Chaffinch: 25 E or W
Goldfinch: 3 SW
Woodpigeon: 204SW (one flock 200)
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 1 SE (probably local)
Visible Migration - Thursday 1st November 2012 - Slape Lane, Burton In Kendal, Cumbria.
Movement: West unless stated.
Again very quiet. Fieldfare local flock now down to about two hundred birds, these still busying themselves with the spoils of hedgerow hawthorn berries, spent crab apples or spent "maize". But the bulk of the previous days birds had obviously moved on.
Fieldfare: 157
Redwing: 5 (2E,3NW)
Starling: 50 S
Alba Wagtail: 1 SE
Chaffinch: 33 (mainly W or SW)
Goldfinch: 15 (one party SW)
Woodpigeon: 86 SW (one party 80)
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 1 NE (probably local)
Sparrowhawk: 1 (local I'm sure)
Greylag Goose: 2 NW
Visible Migration - 31st October 2012 - Slape Ln, Burton In Kendal, Cumbria.
0730hrs to 0845hours
Wind: South 15-20mph
Movement: West unless stated otherwise.
Not much doing again today, rain on and off and strong winds. Thrushes (90%) Fieldfares of around the 500 mark where he there and everywhere in the Burton/Vicarage Lane and Slape Lane Areas, taking rest and feeding up on the numerous hawthorn berries. You would see them all the time leaving, coming back, moving from tree to tree etc etc etc. This is how its been now for a couple of days, but certainly a increase in numbers today.
Fieldfare: 48 (these came in from the West but went down and joined the rest on approach)
Redwing: 1W
Starling: (Roost cleared at 0715hours) then, 65S (15,50)
Chaffinch: 59 mainly SW but some W
Redpoll: 2W
Goldfinch: 8 SW (2,6)
Greenfinch: 2W
Woodpigeon: 28 SW
Visible Migration Tuesday 30th October 2012 - Slape Lane, Burton In Kendal, Cumbria.
0730hrs to 0930hrs.
Wind: W 2mph
Movement: West unless stated otherwise.
Nothing wanted to get going this morning. Did have a party of perhaps 200 Fieldfare, messing about going up then down from tree to tree, no interest whatsoever in movement. Only 3 parties West today, but quite sure that one the LM roost has dispersed that the S/SW/SE parties are fresh arrivals this morning.
Fieldfare: 27W (12,12,1)
Redwing: 24W (10,8,4,2)
Starling: 296 W & S (30S,30S,40S,10S,30W,6W,40W,100S,8S,2S)
Woodpigeon: 114 SW (best 70,20)
Chaffinch: 116 (mainly W, some SW) (Best parties: 23,13,12,11)
Siskin: 7 E (one party)
Greenfinch: 5 W (several more heard)
Redpoll: 2 W
Brambling: 2 W
Goldfinch: 9 SW
Whooper Swan: 1W
Goosander 2W
Raven: 1 SW (probably local)
LBBG: A constant stream of at least 100+ heading S.
Visible Migration Monday 29th October 2012 - Slape Lane, Burton In Kendal, Cumbria.
0730hrs to 0930hrs
Wind: NW 3-5mph
Movement West unless stated.
Today the migration never got off to well with low mist to all perimeters and visibility almost down to a couple of hundred yards around the watchpoint. So obviously I was missing birds. Gave it to 0930hrs and still "misted out" so called it a day. Although within half hour of leaving and getting home, the mist had almost lifted and I could see stuff moving from my bedroom window (which included the odd one hundred party of Thrushes and big Starling squadrons heading W). So later on (12noon) I gave it another bash, but it dried up just after my arrival other than the odd party. Pretty good today for the Starling, which 95% came through within the same 100 yard wide corridor, all to the West.
First Session:
Fieldfare: 303 all West (6 parties: best parties: 100,80,3x30)
Redwing: Just odd ones I could hear settled in the hedgerows or boundary trees on way up.
Starling: 581 all W (14 parties: best parties: 160,2x60,3x40)
Chaffinch: 47 all W or NW
Goldfinch: 10 N one party.
Redpoll: 2 S
Woodpigeon: 80 SW
Also Marsh Tit in hedgerow on way up Slape Lane. (Not vismig)
Second Session:
1200hrs- 1400hrs
Wind NW 3-5mph
Movement West unless stated.
Fieldfare: 680 (8 parties: best parties: 180,120,2x100,60,2x50)
Starling: 410 (5 parties: best parties: 200,120,50, 2x20)
Woodpigeon: 100 SW (one party)
Visible Migration - Sunday October 28th 2012 - Slape Lane, Burton In Kendal, Cumbria.
0700hrs to 0930hrs
Wind: SW 10mph and freshning
Movement West unless stated.
Rain off and on from the start, getting worse towards mid morning then continuous rain throughout the day (so far). Just some early Thrushes on the move but by about 0900hrs thrushes started to gather and go in nearby trees, didnt seem interested in furthering their move, just local meandering backwards and forwards so stopped counting. Today for me was the first proper "Leighton Moss Starling Roost exodus" with several thousand coming to the SW, S and mainly to the SE, also of interest was that they never left the roost proper until 0900hrs. (To me seemed strange so late in the morning thinking it would have been 1000hrs if it was yesterday!) but certainly a 24 hour mass increase must have taken hold. I am told also that today for others (not me!) has been the best Starling passage West to press this Autumn, so probably the roost numbers will swell massively over the coming days.
Fieldfare: 463 all W (9 parties, best: 2x100,2x60,50,30,30)
Redwing: 21 all W (2 parties)
Starling: 31 W (3 parties)
Chaffinch: 28 W(mainly pairs or singles)
Goldfinch: 1 E
Greenfinch: 4 (2NW,2SW)
Alba Wagtail: 1S
Meadow Pipit: 2S
Visible Migration Saturday 27th October 2010 - Slape Lane, Burton In Kendal.
Vismig - Saturday 27th October 2012 - Slape Lane, Burton In Kendal.
0800hrs to 1030hours.
Wind: N 1 mph then variable, then by about 0930 increased to N 8mph and increasing
Movement: West unless stated.
Today was a far contrast to yesterday. A few Thrush parties came through and are still coming through in dribs and drabs (one party every 20-30 minutes and you "take your chance" whether it be half a dozener or the usual 30/40 or a one off mega party like I had this morning (approx 200). And thats about it. I came away at 1030hrs had enough!! All birds heading W or NW to W eventually. Altitude again only 100ft or less (approx).
Fieldfare: 616 W (12 parties, best: 200, 60,3x50,2x40)
Redwing: 174 W (5 parties, best 60,50,2x30s)
Starling: 40 W
Chaffinch: 42 SW (hundreds of local Chaffs also hitting the spent maize fields)
Siskin: 1 SW
Redpoll: 2 S
Alba Wagtail: 2 S
Meadow Pipit: 2 SW
Skylark: 2 S
Yellowhammer: 1 S
Also Long Tailed Tit party presumed local.
Visible Migration Sat Oct 27th 2012 - Slape Lane, Burton In Kendal, Cumbria.
1330hours - 1500hrs.
Wind: NNW 5mph
Movement: West unless stated.
Fieldfares still going through regular at 15 to 20 minutes up to 1500hours. After 1500hrs birds going down into Hutton Roof.
Fieldfare: 1020 all W (13 parties best: 200,2x150,100, 80, etc)
Starling: 24 W
Chaffinch: 6 W
Linnet: 2 W
Woodpigeon: 12 S
Below is a sketch of actual corridors used by the Thrushes, yesterday.
Visible Migration Friday 26th October 2010 - Slape Lane, Burton In Kendal, Cumbria.
0800hrs to 1200hrs.
Wind: NNE 5mph at first then up to 12mph and then North for a while.
Movement: predominately West, but some North West and some North.
(I stood at the footpath crossroads on Slape Lane, which is off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. It is a new site for me with plenty of open area, and certainly better for picking up the Thrushes, and also very suprised to the amounts of Chaffinch on this line also. The area is probably best described as being at the base of Hutton Roof. Today all Thrush movement at around 100 foot and lower approx altitude. Early door birds would go down into trees on arrival for several minutes then alight and on their way. probably 30% of birds showed little urgency, more meandering. Others did go straight through without deviation.
Fieldfare: 6472 (60% W, 20% NW, 20% N) (96 parties,best:330,300,200,3x160,4x150,6x100)Redwing: 566 (Mainly NW) (17 parties, best: 90,70,70,50, 4x40)
Starling: 368 (W or NW) (14 parties, mainly around the 20+ mark)
Chaffinch: 224 (Mainly W) mainly pairs, but also some parties, missed lots)
Redpoll: 2 W
Goldfinch: 22 W (one party 20)
Linnet: 6 E (one party)
Greenfinch: 9 W (singles/pairs)
Meadow Pipit: 3 S
Alba Wagtail: 2 W
Woodpigeon: 41 S or SE
Pink Footed Goose: 120 SW (one party early doors of 70 and included a "much whiter than the rest" bird mid formation, also a party of 50 SW at 1130hrs.
Visible Migration - Thursday 25th October 2012 - Hutton Roof -1st real FIELDFARE PUSH....
(Click over image to enlarge - On the 17th October 2012 The One Show on TV, showed a piece on the Peregrine in the lighted city of Bath and some of its evening captures included Corncrake, Leaches Petrol, Moorhen, Fieldfare, Swifts, Golden Plover etc etc.)
0730 - 1600hrs. (2 hours break in between) Wind: NE 8mph freshning at times and going N by early afternoon.
Movement: West unless stated otherwise.
A far better day, which got going with the Thrushes from about 0845hrs and was pretty good until 0920hrs, then they dropped off and the odds and sods that did come through after that seemed disorientated and odd birds started going in all directions. From 12noon onwards it really did pick up with 1365 Fieldfare between 1200 and 1330hrs (The count for these was taken from Taylors Fields at Dalton which is at the Bottom of Hutton Roof). As expected Starling picked up today.
Fieldfare: 2007 SW early then developed to W 95%, and the other 5% going NW or SE (best parties: 250,200,180,110,100)
Redwing: 271 SW or SE
Starling: 302 all SW or W
Meadow Pipit: 14 S
Chaffinch: 98 W,E and S
Alba Wagtail: 6 W or E
Linnet: 5 E
Goldfinch: 4E
Greenfinch: 12 E or W
Jay: 1 NW
Goldcrest came along with LTT
Kestrel: 1 (looked like a mover)
Woodpigeon: 31E lots more but somehow overlooked.
Visible Migration Wednesday 24th October 2012 - Hutton Roof Cumbria.
0700hrs to 0930hrs, then crossing over the roof mobile for another 3 hours.
Wind: Started East at 3mph and swung to NE from 0900 to about 10mph
Movement: South unless stated.
Thrushes were going in all directions again, same high pressure stillness and again flattened good passage. Its obvious this high pressure is going to take some moving, but looking at all the signs it now does look good for tomorrow and the weekend. More Starling parties coming through today, usual sizes today at 15-20, west or north west. And several small parties of daytime moving thrushes about (Fieldfare mainly to the NW, but just now getting reports in about a few parties coming down the Lyth Valley NW to SE), so at least theres something going on now throughout the day, unlike more recent days. The late morning Thrushes I got were sort of meandering, with a lazy daudling sort of flight and only at tree top levels. So all this going on I think tomorrow may be pretty good once them "cold northerlies" have settled in.
Fieldfare: 165 Mainly NW but one party SE (best: 40,40,20,20,20,16)
Redwing: 77 Mainly SW but one party E and one party SE (best: 30,20,8)
Blackbird: 1 SW
Starling: 43 (all W or NW) best 20,15,8.
Chaffinch: 59 (either E or W)
Brambling: heard but could not see - too high
Greenfinch: 10 (either E or W)
Meadow Pipit: 17 S
Alba Wagtail: 3 E
Common Snipe: 1 flushed on Hutton Roof
Red Admiral Butterly: 1
Visible Migration - Tuesday 23rd October 2012 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0715hrs - 1030hrs.
Wind: E 5mph, still that stillness atmosphere.
Movement: South unless stated.
To say massess (tens of thousands) of Thrushes had landed yesterday on the East Coast and also to say people were reporting hearing "Redwing calls" throughout yesterday evening, very little was showing today and before long (eg: 0900hrs) everything went dead yet again and that stillness returned and the same "going nowhere" type of cloud formations started to form yet again, the sort which hardly anything ever passess through them and I suppose associated with "high pressure". It was very warm also for the time of the year.
Fieldfare: 91 E (1,2,38,50)
Redwing: 143 (directions mainly SW but some W, N and E) best: 40,30,20,20,20.
Blackbird: 2 W
Mistle Thrush: 4 W
Chaffinch: 122 (some E some W)
Brambling: 1E
Siskin: 4 E
Redpoll: 4 E
Goldfinch: 8 E
Greenfinch: 23 E (best 15)
Meadow Pipit: 20 E/SE
Alba Wagtail: 1E
Yellowhammer: 1 E
Long Tailed Tit: 15 (one party probably local).
Visible Migration - Monday 22nd October 2012 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: E 10mph.
Movement: South unless stated.
Lots of Greenfinch on the move, several also albas to the East at first thing.
Fieldfare: 65 (all directions eg: NE,SW, 30 party SE, E)
Redwing: 30 (26N 4E)
Song Thrush: 2 NE
Mistle Thrush: 7 (5W 2NE)
Chaffinch: 87 (East and West)
Greenfinch: 95 (all East, best: 20,20,13,12,10,9,5)
Redpoll: 7 (missed loads)
Siskin and Linnet: Plenty heard could not get on them.
Meadow Pipit: 9 E
Yellowhammer: 1W
Woodpigeon 15E.
1400hrs to 1600hrs - Dalton Crags to Hutton Roof Trig Point. bbAt least 200 mixed Redwing (80% and Fieldfare%) feeding up in Dalton Crags, will have come in earlier and will probably roost. Hopefully catch them tomorrow in my early counts. Nothing whatsoever was moving this afternoon over HR other than a single corvid.
Visible Migration Sunday 21st October 2012 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: E/SE 5mph, bright clear skies
Movement South unless stated.
Fieldfare: 2W (calling and straight determined West)
Redwing: 33 all SW but for last party of 8 which went W.
Blackbird: 3SW
Mistle Thrush: 5SW
Starling: 7SW
Stock Dove: 2SW
Woodpigeon: 3SW
Chaffinch: 122 some E some SW
Redpoll: 7SW (one party)
Goldfinch: 4E
Greenfinch: 21 SW (20 in one party)
Meadow Pipit:49 S
Greater Spotted Woodpecker: 1E
Visible Migration 20th October 2012 - Hutton Roof Cumbria.
Wind: S/SSW/SW 10mph.
Cloudy, very mixed grey then intermittent blue. also rainbows but no rain.
Movement: South unless stated.
Redwing: 61 mainly SW (3,2,7,4E,7,20,9,2W,3,2,10,2)
Mistle Thrush: 7 SW (1,2,2,2,)
Fieldfare: 14 SW (8,6)
Blackbird: 1W
Starling: 1W
Chaffinch: 168 (some E some W) best parties: 10,9,6s,5s,4s etc)
Redpoll: 1
Goldfinch: 3W
Greenfinch: 4W
Siskin: 1E
Meadow Pipit: 17
Yellowhammer 1S
Alba Wagtail: 2S
Greater Spotted Woodpecker: 1E
Visible Migration Friday 19th October 2012 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs to 1030hours
Wind: SE 5mph at times variable
Movement: South unless stated.
First Fieldfare of the year. Extremely slow from 0900hrs. Sort of stillness about, unusual and varied cloud formations at times.
Fieldfare: 10 SW (one party early doors)
Redwing: 32 (9SW,17SW,6E)
Mistle Thrush: 6W (keep coming through in their singles! all low)
Chaffinch: 105 (some E some W)
Brambling: 5 SW (noisy)
Siskin: 1
Redpoll:4 SW
Goldfinch: 6E
Alba Wagtail: 2 (1S,1E)
Meadow Pipit: 25 (S or SE)
Jay 1 SW
Visible Migration 18th October 2012 Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Weather: 12mph SE, Rain off and on and blue skies of and on.
Movement: South unless stated.
Thrushes quiet again, a party of 7 Jays SW.
Redwing: 16 (4N,2SW,10NE)
Mistle Thrush: 5 (3W, 2E)
Blackbird: 2W, also with big fall landed on Hutton Roof. All points of Lane up.
Jay 7SW (one party) 0925hours.
Alba Wagtail: 3 (2E 1W)
Chaffinch: 66 (50%W 50%E probably S later)
Siskin: 9E (one party)
Greenfinch: 9W
Brambling: 1W (very high)
Meadow Pipit: 4S
Woodpigeon:11E (3,8).
Coal Tits, Great Tits: several
Starling: 15W.
Visible Migration - Wed 17th Oct 2012 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: ENE 15mph then decreasing.
Movement: South unless stated.
Small Redwing parties obviously foraging and going in most directions, principally North. a 4 Jay party North.
Redwing: 77 (11SW,6W,52N,8E)
Starling: 9W (4,2,3)
Chaffinch: 47E (all East today best: 6,5)
Meadow Pipit: 12 (E & S)
Goldfinch: 2E
Redpoll: 3 (1E,2S)
Siskin: 5E
Alba Wagtail: 1
Greater Spotted Woodpecker: 2NE (1,1)
Jay: 4N (0950hrs)
Visible Migration 15th October 2012 Hutton Roof (Clawthorpe Side) Cumbria.
0700hrs to 1000hrs
Wind: variable E or W.
Movement: South unless stated.
No good straight from first light at 0700hrs, and heavy rain stopping anything from coming through. After 0830hrs went to light off and on showers and then dry by 0900hrs with mixed high cloud, some low cloud over Lune Valley kept popping up and created a mist out but quickly dissapeared. Just the odd Thrush parties.
Redwing: 79 (best: 20W,30S,8S,5SW,2SW,1S, 5 dropped straight from sky into Hutton Roof trees)
Mistle Thrush: 5 (2S and 3W - one with no tail - kept up with mate without any problem!)
Blackbird 1SW, 1NNW
Starling: 4W (2,2)
Chaffinch: 57 (some E some W)
Siskin: 1
Goldfinch: 15W (One party 12)
Greenfinch: 1 (missed lots overhead)
Meadow Pipit: 42 all S (best parties: 25,9,5)
Yellowhammer: 1
Over the past couple of days have also been going out from 1700hrs to 1900hrs from Dalton to the Trig Point to check out Thrush roosting sites, but absolutely nothing showing. Will probably venture again later today...
Visible Migration - 13th October 2012 - Hutton Roof (Clawthorpe Side)
Wind: SE 3mph
Movement: South unless stated.
Nothing much got going today here. Odd early Redwing small parties all went SW, three good Starling squadrons all went SW.
Redwing: 89 SW (10,21,12,6,12,13,3,4,8)
Mistle Thrush 7W (2,1,1,1,2)
Chaffinch: 149 (mainly W but 25% E)
Meadow Pipit: 36S
Starling: 57 SW (30,20,7)
Goldfinch: 15E (6,2,2,5)
Greenfinch: 2W
Redpoll: 2S
Siskin: 4S
Alba Wagtail: 2
Long Tailed Tit: 18 (one party probably local)
Blue Tit: 2
Common Snipe: 2W.
Visible Migration 11th October 2012 Hutton Roof
Wind: East 15mph.
Movement South unless stated.
Today again mega quiet but a little more variety, and more Redwings starting to come through. All Redwing passage was from SSW to North, within a small 100yard wide corridor. Seen at first coming from what would be a Dalton area and weaving in and out whilst crossing over Hutton Roof against a strongish Easterley 15mph side wind and onward over Whin Yeats towards the Lune Uppers direction.
Redwing: 169 North (4,12,26,30,30,20,10,28,11.)
Mistle Thrush: 13 (3N and the rest W best party 5)
Blackbird: 2W (and also several new arrivals heard from the Roof)
Starling 4E (which could have been continentals) hundreds E from roost.
Chaffinch: 54 (E or W) a very poor showing.
Brambling: 2W (and calling) FIRST OF YEAR
Goldfinch: 8 E or W
Greenfinch: 6W
Siskin: 5
Meadow Pipit: 31 S or SE
Alba Wagtail: 2
Yellowhammer: 1S
(Photo: Sunrise over Ingleborough from Hutton Roof - this morning)
Visible Migration Wed 10th October 2012 Hutton Roof.
0700hrs to 1000hrs.
Wind: Easterly 5-7mph
Movement South unless stated.
Still very quiet, best Redwing party at 28 went W.
Meadow Pipit: 40 South or SE (best parties: 6s,5s)
Chaffinch: 152 (mainly E but about 1/3rd West)
Redpoll: 2W
Greenfinch: 32 (8E all others W. best part 15W)
Goldfinch: 20 (17E 3W best party 10E)
Starling: lots going East
Woodpigeon: 23 (8W all others E)
Blue Tit: 1
Coal Tit: 1
Robins: everywhere
Mistle Thrush: 6W
Redwing: 48 (2E,2E,28W (0850hrs),6E,10N
Skylark: 1S
Alba Wagtail: 11 (all S best party 8)
Common Snipe 1W.
Visible Migration Tue Oct 9th 2012 Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: E 5mph (50% overcast at first and 50% clear blue)
Movement: South unless stated.
Very slow start, then a slight pick up after 0800hrs, finished by 0830hrs
And then very difficult to see anything because all blue skies.
Redwing: 5 (all SW) (3,2)
Mistle Thrush: 15 (1W,12E,2E)
Meadow Pipit: 51 some South, some SE.
Greenfinch: 5W
Chaffinch: 108 (mainly E some W best parties 5s)
Goldfinch: 11 (1W,10E)
Redpoll 3
Alba Wagtail: 3
Swallow: 2
Skylark: 1
Woodpigeon: 14W (4,10)
Kestrel: 1SE
Cormorant: 3SW
(Photo: This mornings "sunrise" over Ingleborough from Hutton Roof)
Visible Migration Mon 8th October 2012 Hutton Roof (Clawthorpe side)
0715hours to 1030hrs
Wind: E 5mph,
Movement: East unless stated
Overcast skies, perfect conditions for both listening (motorway noise subdued because of E), and good background. Chaffinches increased. Little Thrush action.
Meadow Pipit: 158 (Some South, Lots SE)
Chaffinch: 278 (Mainly E some W. (parties up to 10s)
Redpoll: 8 W
Goldfinch: 7 (1W the rest E)
Siskin: 18W (12,6)
Greenfinch: 17 (mixed E or W)
Linnet: 1W
Redwing: 20E/NE (14,6)
Mistle Thrush: 15 (2E others W)
Alba Wagtail: 4
Grey Wagtail: 1E
Starling: 6E
Woodpigeon: 12W (5,7)
Stock Dove: 2W (1,1)