Wind: Light W 8mph
all movement West unless stated otherwise.
Chaffinch: By far the main mover. 161 (13 East all others W/SW) best parties: 13,9,6,6.
Meadow Pipit: 68 all SW (best party6)
Chiffchaff: One calling from Newbiggin.
Alba Wagtail: 7
Swallow: 20W
Redpoll: 3 (1W 2SW)
Goldfinch: 3,
Starling: 12E
Linnet: 8 (2,6)
Greenfinch: 2
Jay: 3 (Came of Hutton and went NE then 10 mins later came back SW)
Its becoming obvious to me that Hutton Roof is very limited in the movement of Meadow Pipits.
I have recently, been checking out all over the place to get on a Meadow Pipit corridor and I am getting quite a positive feeling about the place called NEWTON, which just runs alongside Whittington to Arkholme. I was there this morning at 1020hrs and could only spare ten minutes before having to shoot off to Capernwray, but just in that 10 minutes I had:
Chaffinch: 15 (4,2,2,2,2,3)
Meadow Pipit: 20 (2,14,4)
Alba Wagtail: 1
If the weathers OK, I will be trying this one out tomorrow....