Sunday September 26th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0645hrs - 0900hrs
Wind: N -6-8mph
Again very bright.
Again today Meadow Pipits never really got going. Chaffinch where very interesting with lots of large parties in the first hour or so, and also it was noted that they where all going South East today, a direction they never go as a rule. (Usually W or E). I probably missed some Redwing, on one occasion I looked down over Burton and could see a large party of thrushes (maybe 20 or 30) messing about at the bottom end of Hutton Roof. I did think at the time they where too small for Mistles, but rather dismissed them at the time, but later speaking with Dave at Bradford, he informed me he had several Redwing parties coming through, so now I rather think that that's what they may have been. Odd small Starling parties (eg 5 or so) have in the past couple of days started going East, these are probably early continental birds starting to come in. (I know it seems funny going East and away from the Coast which is only about 3-4 miles West, but thats the way they go here).
Meadow Pipits: 60 (best parties 6,6,5,5) SE
Chaffinch: 177 (best parties: 25,12,11,19,8) SE
Alba Wagtail: 5 (one pair, rest singles) S
Mistle Thrush: 22 (18,3,1) all West
Stock Dove: 1 W
Kestrel: 1
Linnet: 10 (7,3, W)
Starling: 13 (9,4, all East)
Pink Footed Goose: 40 NW at 0720hrs
Redpoll: 1 SE
Swallow: 7 (6 & 1) S
Goldfinch: 9 (one party S)
Blue Tit: 4 plus tree hopping
Reports of several parties of Redwing coming through this morning from Bradford area heading North West.
Tread carefully.......
A very pleasant day with plenty of warm sun to counter the cool south wind.
The council have put a barrier around an "oil" spill on the shore near ...
1 hour ago