(Please click over sketch to enlarge)
Whilst travelling through Burton In Kendal this morning delivering the newspapers at the early time of about 6.10hrs I had calling "Willow Warbler or Chiffchaff" quite near to Burton House and it was making the "houwit" contact call. Without actually seeing the bird it would be difficult to confirm which of the "warblers" it was. But If I had to take a guess I would have gone for the former, which in 8 times out of 10, it would be the Willow Warbler. Also it was nice to hear (though very faint calls) the contact calls of nearby Goldcrest.
Talking about Willow Warblers, the last few days when I have been going up on Hutton Roof, I have heard several calling. Most of them were actually doing their "crescendo call" which did seem strange at this time of year.
About ten days ago there were lots of Willow Warblers at Haweswater (Silverdale), I must have counted at least 10 or more, just flitting about doing flycatching sallies amongs the lower branches of the surrounding large conifers to the back of the "boardwalk". There would I presume have been at least three separate family groups, which had probably called in during the early daylight hours to rest and feed up before setting of yet again on another stage of their nocturnal journey onwards to Africa.
Just going through some of my sketches, and noticed this one on the "Coffin Route" at Grasmere, with areas of relevance shown with gps co-ordinance etc.