Thursday 5 September 2019

Snippets of Wealth - Wed 4th September 2019 - Scollies (Harts Tongue Ferns) in Pickles Wood

Asplenium scolopendrium (Harts Tongue Fern)
Pickles Wood - Lancelot Clark Storth (CWT)

Probably I am late this year, but I enjoy searching the scollies in Pickles Wood, I'll bet there are thousands to go at in all shapes and sizes, but you really do need to watch your footing it's limestone covered with moss and wood/leaf debris and it so easy to miss the boulders and trap your foot and leg down a deep gryke!

I had probably a dozen or so different scollies which had divided at the top of the frond.  I had a couple of really nice plants were several of the fronds ended in a semi-crest,   I have put one or two photos up here which shows the extent of "scollie heaven" today

Marsh Tits calling in Lancelot Clark Storth (CWT) and again in Pickles Wood, also Nutchatches are noisy.  Lots of carpetting old Woodruff. Also check photos below, a very very late Dog Violet in flower and also a photo showing Dog Vomit Slime......

Still another day or two scollie hunting and then its settle down for the birding - visible bird migration or vismig for short. The start usually coincides with the first skeins of Pink Feet arriving.... around the 12th September..... and guess what? I'll bet there will be a few continental thrushes around as well....

 A very late Dog Violet

Dog Vomit Slime (Fulige septica)