An hour or so later and made my way to Trowbarry Quarry, and straight away a Shelduck took off from somewhere where it must have been perched on the Quarry!! also lots of feral pigeons and Jackdaws with the squaking young.. their calls at times sound rather eerie with the strange echoes made from within this old quarry.
Again quite a few Hawker dragonflies, and lots of Common blue damselflies, (see photo of female above right).
Pond skaters are skating,
Crows are cawing,
Hover flies are hovering, and,
Humming as well….
The Treecreepers trilling, whilst,
Climbing his tree.
The Rabbit is running,
The Pheasant is shrieking,
Whilst the Squirrel is bounding away….
The Raven is honking,
The Buzzard is mewing whilst,
Circling above.
Large Whites, Small Whites, Orange Tips and
Speckled Woods all flutter disorderly away….
This all went on in the ten minute slot,
At the White Moss plot to-day….
White Moss – May 2010.