Had a visit to Hale Moss and White Moss.
There where plenty of bird activity with: Several Willow Warblers, Chiffchaffs, and a pair of Garden Warblers at White Moss and also Blackcap.
Lots of Primrose and Cowslips, Bluebells, Wood Anemone, Wood Sorrell, Herb Robert starting to show here and there, Bugle, some Orchid leaves showing - I think they are going to be Marsh Orchids, but I need to wait and see. It was absolutely great to see the Herb Paris - a nice colony of perhaps 100 plus...
Had a quick visit to a third of the Trowbarrow area, there was a few early purples showing plus Common Dog Violet, primula etc etc etc.
A morning gulp provided a bit of variety
Much milder with a fresh SSE breeze. Light rain showers in the morning then
again by evening.
South shore (Malcolm)
I did the same walk as yesterday, and s...
39 minutes ago