Wednesday November 3rd 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0645hrs - 0900hrs
Wind: SW 20mph
Wind far too strong and blowing thrushes down, and they were then using the low cuttings and going around Hutton Roof to all its valley cuttings.
After Mondays effort, very little on Greenfinch today. Realizing why we are not getting much stuff going East and I think it is simply because the winds are so strong coming from the W that birds will be flying high and simply missing them. (just like the Starlings coming from ex roost to the E)
Fieldfare: 487W (14 parties: most parties averaging 30 or 40s).
Redwing: 21W or SW (3s,4s or 5s)
Siskin: 2SW
LBBG: 130 SE (one party 100 and one 30 - probably ex roost from W)
Woodpigeon: 2W
Greenfinch: 7W (3,2,2)
Chaffinch: 123 (1E)
31st Mar
A very quiet morning on the produced just one *Willow Warbler*, five *Chiffchaffs
*and a *Fieldfare *while the sea brought just 55 *Common Scoters*, two *...
12 minutes ago