Tuesday Nov 2nd 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: W 25-35mph
Fine for 30mins and then heavy rain.
Chaffinch still coming through strong even against the wind. Even the Crow/Jackdaw ex roost where flattened and literally using all gullies and troughs and probably only inches from the ground as they went W into the wind. Had to retire early because of not only strong winds but also heavy rains.
Blackbird: 2
Chaffinch: 32W (best 10)
Redwing: 3W
Fieldfare: 11SW (one party 10).
PS: My thanks to Chris Taylforth and Dave the Gardener for kindly monitoring any Fieldfare build up in the upper Lyth Valley.
14th November
The return of some cloud cover was welcome and led to a small uptick in
migrant numbers, most of which passed through overhead. At the Bill, totals
6 hours ago