Monday November 1st 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0645hrs - 1100hrs
Wind: E 4-5mph increasing and changing to W
Greenfinch making strong inroads today.
Fieldfare: 213 (all directions W,SW,N,NE) best: 70,37,40 etc (parties seen to come in and drop down to Hutton to feed, no hurry!
Redwing: 41 (either SE or SW) best 20,11)
Woodpigeon: 116 (3 parties all S or SE coming down that Lune Valley and crossing over to Yorkshire on a SE, it does involve hundreds, probably thousands of birds, but today was again one of the "clag East side days" when I could only pick up the odd party. But there are always hundreds moving at first light on this SE routing. These birds would probably end up to the East Side of Ingleborough and be somewhere in West Yorkshire.
Chaffinch: 171 (74 NE all others SW best: 6s)
Greenfinch: 186 (73SW all others NE, best: 40,21,11,10,10)
Goldfinch: 20 NE (one party)
Redpoll: 2 (1SW, 1N)
Meadow Pipit: 17 all SE (1,2,8,1,5)
Linnet: 5 (2W,2SE,1W)
Siskin: 2 SW
Starling: 35 (2 high fast parties 15W, 20W) also thousands Ex Roost to SE
Brambling: 2SW
Skylark: 11 (10N one party and 1E)
Reed Bunting: 1E
Raven: 8 all S/SSE (5,2,1)
BHG: 4 one party W
PFG: One party of approx 20 moving across the bay to a NW or N
Long Tailed Tit: 12NE high and away.
Chris over at The Crag, Nr Crook informs me that yesterday all the current Fieldfare and other Thrushes had moved on from "The Crag" and after a drive and walk in the upper Lyth Valley it looked as though it was currently devoid of migrants.
Tread carefully.......
A very pleasant day with plenty of warm sun to counter the cool south wind.
The council have put a barrier around an "oil" spill on the shore near ...
1 hour ago