(This mornings sunrise - towards Ingleborough)
Thur 27th September 2012 – Hutton Roof – Vismig
Wind: 3mph and freshening.
Movement: South unless specified.
Today was a steady sort of morning, it was not a Mipit peak day, but still excellent with plenty of varied stuff coming through all the time. A late Chiffchaff . First Redwing calls. Lots of Song Thrush on the lane whilst going up. Lots of Robins also.
Redwing: A party going over Burton at 0615hrs several calling. Also one up at Hutton Roof calling at 0727hrs.
Blackbird: 1W
Mistle Thrush: 17W (one party 6,3 and the rest singles)
Meadow Pipit: 351S SE at first, then mid morning to South (some mega high) (best parties: 40,26,15,12, 12,8,5s,4s and lots of singles and pairs).
Chaffinch: 168 mainly W but some E (best parties: 7s,6s,5s,4s)
Goldfinch: 108 all W (best: 40,18,8,8,7,6s)
Linnet: 8 all W
Greenfinch: 19W (best 11,5)
Redpoll: 2E
Siskin: 7W (5,2)
Alba Wagtail: 4W
Starling: 10E
Skylark: 5S
Swallow: 11W (7SE 4W)
Woodpigeon: 6E
Raven: 1S (definite mover)
Hen Harrier: 1 male to NW
Chiffchaff 1 (singing)
also later on 1330hrs to 1430hrs from Vicarage Ln, Burton In Kendal.
all South.
Swallow: 26 (14,10,2)
Meadow Pipit: 9 (3,2 and singles)
Chaffinch: 19 (best 5)
Linnet: 4 (one party)
3rd March
The continuing settled weather was a massive boon from the enjoyable
fieldwork point of view and by dint of plenty of effort there were
eventually a few re...
16 hours ago