Here is a catch up of my recent VISMIG reports:
Saturday September 15th 2012 – Hutton Roof (Clawthorpe side)
Winds: W 15mph - time 0830-1000hrs.
All movements South unless specified.
Meadow Pipit: 117 (a 50 move on blogging party, otherwise best 6s)
Linnet: 1
Starling 3W
Redpoll: 2
Goldfinch: 6
Chaffinch: 10 (best 4)
Woodpigeon 2SE
Skylark: 2
House Martin 1E
Kestrel 1.
Tuesday September 18th 2012 – Hutton Roof (Clawthorpe side)
Winds: Westerley 10-12mph – 0730hrs-0930hrs.
All movements South unless specified.
Meadow Pipit: 137 (best: 12,10,9)
Chaffinch: 16 (best 6)
Goldfinch: 1E
Swallow: 14 (5E)
Grey Wagtail: 2 (paired)
Wednesday September 19th 2012 – Hutton Roof (Clawthorpe side)
Winds: Westerley 2 mph. 0700hrs-0930hrs.
All movements South unless specified.
Meadow Pipit: 81
Chaffinch: 85 (mainly West some East) best parties: 9, 6s,5s.
Goldfinch: 18 (10W rest E)
Linnet: 13 (one party 12W)
Siskin: 10 (8W)
Cormorant: 1W
Starling: 9 (all E)
Mistle Thrush: 2E
Swallow: 16 (1SE)
Alba Wagtail: 3W
Skylark: 3S
Pink Footed Goose: 76 (one skein W at 0806hrs)
Greater Spotted Woodpecker: 1W
Willow Warbler: 1 (local and singing)
Chiffchaff: 1 (local and singing)
Friday September 21st 2012 – Hutton Roof (Clawthorpe side)
Winds: Easterlies 8-15mph. 0830hrs-1030hrs
All movements South unless specified.
Today obviously blocking, although some Chaffinch really high and missed, hirundine using side on for SW move. Most Mipits using compensate flight (again side on)
Meadow Pipit: 79 (best 27 ex blog, then 8, some 5s and mainly 4s)
Chaffinch: 14 (1E)
Reed Bunting: 1
Goldfinch: 23E (best 12E and 6E)
Swallow: 40 (26SW,14E)
House Martin: 25SW (11,13,1)
Alba Wagtail: 1
Skylark: 8 (5,3)
Thrush: 1 (small brown thrush E probable Song Thrush)
Woodpigeon: 1SE
Raven: 2 probably local.
3rd March
The continuing settled weather was a massive boon from the enjoyable
fieldwork point of view and by dint of plenty of effort there were
eventually a few re...
16 hours ago