Sun Sept 23rd 2012 - Hutton Roof Vismig
Wind: NE 5-7mph with gust to 12-15
Moves: South unless stated.
Very cold with the Easterlies, and not much moving at all, what bit there were dried up by about 0830hrs. Few Swallows and what there were went back to their normal routes via East or West. Pretty good on the Goldfinch today.
Meadow Pipit: 136 (best 11,5,4, but in the main just pairs to 4 and lots of singles)
Chaffinch: 74 (going both East and West as usual)
Goldfinch: 52 (best parties 12,10,10,9, odd ones W but mainly to the East.
Linnet: 4 W (singles)
Redpoll: 2 W
Greenfinch: 5 (2 W and three singles E)
Alba Wagtail: 4 (3E and 1W)
Mistle Thrush: 4 W (singles)
Swallow: 7 (5 West one party and 2E)
Woodpigeon: 11 (6W others all East)
Skylarks heard but not seen.
Also lots of Black Headed Gull and a few LBBG heading East.
16th-25th January
The length of time between updates gets longer as the quality of this
winter's birding stagnates! There were almost no changes to report during
this ten ...
5 hours ago