The sun was shining and I thought I would have a look over Dalton Crags, but never landed, I was that busy checking out the car park verges and the old quarry picnic areas together with the quarry limestone pavement. Most of the flora I had recorded previously and I have listed below, but probably the more notable today was still seeing remnants of the Fairy Foxglove (in the shade) at the bottom of the pavement. Also another species I had not seen here before was the Maiden Pink, of which there where probably a couple of dozen flowers coming off one single plant..
Other flora: Common Knapweed, Ladys Bedstraw, Ragwort, Birdsfoot Trefoil, Lesser Trefoil, Red and White Clovers, Hedge Woundwort, Cowslip (spent), Ox Eye Daisy, Rosebay Willowherb, Great Willowherb, Hedge Bindweed, Meadowsweet, Wild Thyme, Tufted Vetch, Wild Raspberry, Agrimony, St John's Wort, Eyebright, Harebells (both blue and a group of white specimens), Wood Sage, Carline Thistle.
Butterflies: Lots of Meadow Browns, Common Blue (male), Lots of Large Skippers, Lots of Cinnabar larvae on Ragwort.
Photos to follow
30th Mar
There was a small arrival of migrants on the land with 12 *Willow Warblers*,
six *Chiffchaffs*, three *Blackcaps*, three *Black Redstarts*, a *Firecrest
10 minutes ago