First call was to Hale West (0930-1000hrs). Although it did forecast rain, it managed to hold off until afternoon. I had a quick look on Hale (west of the A6). The approach margins where really overgrown since last time I visited. There where plenty of nice specimens of Common Spotted Orchids and also St. John's Wort was present along with Agrimony, Betony, Ragwort, Yellow Rattle, Meadowsweet, Self Heal, various Thistles, spent Cowslips, Ox Eye Daisy.
Scores of Meadow Brown Butterflies, along with some Small Skippers.
I cut short my visit rather abruptly when I noticed some young bullock cattle in the not far vicinity and as a rule they can be very intimidating, by charging up to you, only to be inquisitive, yet still can be scary....
The next call was to White Moss (1000hrs-1100hrs). Another site now well grown on its margins with Creeping Buttercup, lots of Hedge Woundwort, Meadowsweet, Slender Thistle, Tufted Vetch, Enchanters Nightshade and lots of Hemp Agrimony bordering the dyke etc.
Had a Hawthorn Shield Bug (photo) feeding on the Hemp Agrimony.
Next stop was down to Dockacres (north) 1100-1200hrs
Again nice to marvel the masses of Orchids, besides these there was Lesser Trefoil, Eyebright, Mouse-Eared Hawkweed, Scarlet Pimpernel, Redshank, Sun Spurge, Dotted Loosestrife, Common Field Speedwell.
There was also calling Bullfinch, Willow Warbler and Chiffchaff.
Scores of Meadow Brown Butterflies, along with some Small Skippers.
I cut short my visit rather abruptly when I noticed some young bullock cattle in the not far vicinity and as a rule they can be very intimidating, by charging up to you, only to be inquisitive, yet still can be scary....
The next call was to White Moss (1000hrs-1100hrs). Another site now well grown on its margins with Creeping Buttercup, lots of Hedge Woundwort, Meadowsweet, Slender Thistle, Tufted Vetch, Enchanters Nightshade and lots of Hemp Agrimony bordering the dyke etc.
Had a Hawthorn Shield Bug (photo) feeding on the Hemp Agrimony.
Next stop was down to Dockacres (north) 1100-1200hrs
Again nice to marvel the masses of Orchids, besides these there was Lesser Trefoil, Eyebright, Mouse-Eared Hawkweed, Scarlet Pimpernel, Redshank, Sun Spurge, Dotted Loosestrife, Common Field Speedwell.
There was also calling Bullfinch, Willow Warbler and Chiffchaff.