Today at Hutton Roof, saw Meadow Pipits coming through at about 100 plus per hour and at times struggling with the SE winds, and could be seen flying side on.
Out of the wind, I saw 3 Peacock Butterflies. Heard Siskin going over and also there were some Goldfinch parties on HR.
And here's a little sketch:
Smart *** and his GPS
I was at the Trig Point yesterday and caught this conversation between Schoolmaster and Students from Heysham. Together with Smart ***. And this is how the conversation went.
Smart*** said to the students
“What are you doing”?
And one of the students replied
“We’re map reading”,
And the master is setting out some co-ordinates for us to work out using the compass.
So Smart*** pulled out of his pocket a hand held GPS, and went on to say to the Students,
“Never mind all that stuff with the compass, why not use a GPS?”
So then the student replied
“But you get a far better reading from doing it the old way with the compass like we’re doing it”
And Smart*** replied!
“Oh yes I forgot”,
“And did you know that you also get better results from working out sums in your head,
Rather than using a calculator..!
(A true story what happened the other day at the Trig Point. (22nd March 2012)
Tread carefully.......
A very pleasant day with plenty of warm sun to counter the cool south wind.
The council have put a barrier around an "oil" spill on the shore near ...
1 hour ago