I have been out earlier today on the pavements again and besides finding more Helliborines, have also managed to find some "Pale St. Johns Wort", another rare flower. I will post photos etc later. But busy just now.
The Dark Red Helliborine v Broad Leaved Helliborine Hybrid discussion is proving fantastic. Yesterday I posted a request on the "Wild About Britain" Site, hoping to clear up the matter about the possibilities of some of our helliborines being hybrids. The experts so far have had me leaning both to one side and then the other, and currently thinking "Yes they Are" with Intermediate hybridization. But if you would like to check out the full thread, please click over this thread and enjoy. (Dont worry its a great safe site)
If your in to "Epipactis" you will love all this stuff.... getting better and better and now the Professors are getting involved.....
3rd March
The continuing settled weather was a massive boon from the enjoyable
fieldwork point of view and by dint of plenty of effort there were
eventually a few re...
2 hours ago