Photo: Redwing thanks to Craig Bell
Tuesday 16th November 2021 Taylors Field (Top Tram) west of Russell Farm, Off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal, SD542976542 (110m asl or 360ft asl).
Forecast: Wind South 5mph (or SSW 6-12mph), Temp 8c, Sunrise 0741, Chance of Rain: 40%, Humidity 99%, Precipitation: 0.0cm, Pressure 1022 hPa, 16.1km vis, Cloud 100%.
Actual: 0700 to 0830hrs. The morning started full of dampness in the air and clag to all perimeters bringing down the visability to about 200 yards, although it did start to improve very soon. The winds I confirmed at South 3-5mph.
There was a burst with Chaffinch over the first hour which soon petered out to a occasional trickle.
Chaffinch: 138 (129se and 9w) first bird at 0727hrs.
Linnet: 32 (23se and 9w)
Redwing: 2s
Fieldfare: 3se
Woodpigeon: 135 n
Starling up to 6000 approx to E x roost at 0741hrs.
Vismig seems to have quietened considerably so I intend to call it a day with this watch. However I might just try a further day or two during the first week in December. Thanks to all who have checked us out.
Monday 15th November 2021 Taylors Field (Bottom Tram), west of Russell Farm, Off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal
Forecast: Wind ESE 5mph (or SE2-3mph), Sunrise at 0739hrs, Temp 8c, Chance of Rain 30%, Humidity: 95%, Precipitation: 0.0cm, Pressure 1026 hPa, visability: 9.7km, Cloud 100%.
Actual: 0754hrs to 0900hrs. Visability poor to all perimeters and down to 200 yards at best. Fine drizzle throughout.
Little on the move today.
Chaffinch 53 (37se and 16w) best 1x13,1x8.
Redwing: 10n
Fieldfare: 30se
Woodpigeon: 25nw
Starling 4,000 ex roost to E from around 0730hrs.
Sunday 14th November 2021 Taylors Field (Top Tram) west of Russell Farm, Off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal, SD542976542 (110m asl or 360ft asl)
Forecast: Wind ESE 2mph (or NE3), 0737hrs sunrise, Temp: 3c (or 6c), Chance of Rain 20%, Humidity: 95%, Precipitation: 0.0cm, Pressure: 1024 hPa, Cloud: 25%.
Actual: 0700hrs to 0900hrs. Another bright morning with very little going on.
Very few birds again, but did manage again more Brambling.Its trying to recognize the "chucks" versus the "chups", but we are getting there. The only other way I have is if they land in the tree and I notice the white throat but beautiful orange upper chest. If I was above the birds it would be so easy to recognize them with their white rump, but this is not the case I am beneath the birds in all cases.
Chaffinch: 112 (100se and 12w) first bird 0722hrs
Brambling: 2 se (1,1)
Linnet: 26 (22se 4w)
Goldfinch: 3 se
Redwing: 7 s
Fieldfare: 31 nnw and one in a nearby tree.
Woodpigeon: 89 nnw
Starling: 6,150 approx East x roost from 0723hrs.
Saturday 13th November 2021 Taylors Field (Top Tram) west of Russell Farm, Off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal, SD542976542 (110m asl or 360ft asl)
Forecast: Wind: NW 6mph (or 2-3mh) Temp: 9c, Chance of Rain: 10%, Humidity 88%, Precipitation: 0.7cm, Pressure: 1013 hPa, Visability: 16.1km, Cloud:60% down to 0 by 0800hrs.
Actual: 0700hrs to 0900hrs. It was bright from the off with very little cloud. The wind was only NW 2mph at best. Did not expect too much today with northerlies. Brambling are amongst the Chaffinch.
Chaffinch: 134 (82se and 42w) first bird 0715hrs
Brambling: 1 (but sure there would have been plenty more)
Linnet: 33 se
Fieldfare: 268 (250e and 18nw)
Starling: 8w
Woodpigeon: 232 nw
LBBG: 6se (3,3)
Starling: at least 2,000 ex roost from 0727hrs.
Friday 12th November 2021 Taylors Field (bottom tram) west of Russell Farm, Off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal,
Forecast: Wind: South 16mph, Temp 10c, Sunrise 0733. Chance of Rain: 70%, Precipitation 0.4cm, Pressure: 1005 hPa, Visability: 11.3km, Cloud: 100%
Actual: 0700hrs to 1000hrs (with breaks) From first light it was raining which after one hour went to on/off rain. The winds were strong and yes I agree (moderate to strong).
The Chaffinch just were not about which really surprised me especially on a strong Southerly wind, I would have expected large amounts and large parties, but it just never happened with just trickles of either singles and pairs with just the occasional party. This is "vismigging" it is so complex that what happens in 99% of cases may not happen on the 1% and perhaps today may well have fallen into that category. A small Redwing movement was observed crossing Hutton Roof skyline and looked to be heading SSE/SE.
Chaffinch: 84 (78se and 6w) best: 1x21) first bird 0722
Linnet: 21 se (12,3,4)
Skylark: 1s
Redwing: 498 sse/se (best 1x80,1x70,1x60,1x50,2x40)
Starling 7500 e ex roost from 0725hrs
Thursday 11th November 2021 Taylors Field (Top Tram) west of Russell Farm, Off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal, SD542976542 (110m asl or 360ft asl)
Forecast: Wind SSE 3mph, Temp 9c, Chance of Rain: 50%, Humidity 93%, Precipitation 0.0cm, Pressure: 1021 hPa, Visability: 16.1km. Cloud 100%
Actual: 0700hrs to 0930hrs. Dry throughout with cloud to 80% at start.
Good going with the Chaffinch which I did expect on Southerly orientated. Although the wind was nothing eg: 1-2mph it still makes a whole of a difference.
Chaffinch: 513 (434 se and 79w) best parties: 1x27,1x26,2x24,1x20, first birds 0728hrs.
Brambling: 4 plus
Linnet: 69 (60se and 9w)
Reed Bunting: 1 se
Skylark: 12 se (one party)
Redwing: 40se (one party)
Fieldfare: 63 (3s,30nw,30se)
Starling: 174 w. (70,290,10,20,40,10,4)
Greylag Goose: 28 w
Woodpigeon: 204 nw and local.
Starling: 7285 e x roost from 0726hrs (two separate parties of 3k)
Wednesday 10th November 2021 Taylors Field (Top Tram) west of Russell Farm, Off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal, SD542976542 (110m asl or 360ft asl)
Forecast: Wind WSW 4 mph, Temp 9c, Chance of Rain: 10%, Humidity: 96%, Precipitation: 1.1cm, Pressure: 1020 hPa, Visability: 12.9cm, Cloud: 100%
Actual: 0700hrs to 0930hrs. Wind 1-2mph changeable NW (XCweather) and/or ESE (weather channel). It did keep fine for once and the skies were brightening up as the morning progressed.
The Chaffinch did not want to know with the no wind situation, together with the fluctuating minimal wind directions although we did manage a few, but by 0830hrs it had dropped considerably. I did notice on the hedgerows mixed in with the Chaffinch a couple of Brambling which were highly visual especially there "white" down their backs. Also I had Brambling calling from the tree tops. The hedgerows were full of Blackbirds (perhaps a dozen or more) were there where none yesterday. This coincides with the fall they have had on the East coast overnight. The Starlings behaved different this morning, about 4k came over, but the second batch of about 2k seem to tumble down from great height into the trees of Pickles wood, a very similar situation to what happened on Oct 31st 2018, although on that occasion I had put it down to the brilliant red early morning sky that had spooked them, but today the skies were grey and I just could not understand their behaviour. Some of them (maybe 200 or more) started doing some murmurations before joining the others. It was not long before the full amount were up and away to the East to enjoy a days foraging.
Chaffinch: 210 (181se and 29w) best parties: 1x12,2x10, first bird 0717hrs
Brambling: 22 se (21,1)
Linnet: 77 (45se and 32w) 20,15,6,12,15,9. first 0716hrs.
Redwing: 14 (13se and 1s)
Fieldfare: 78 (70nnw,5nnw and 3se)
Blackbird: 12 (considered continentals in hedgerow)
Starling: 5000 approx eventually to East - ex roost from 0725hrs. NOTE STRANGE BEHAVIOUR MENTIONED ABOVE.
Woodpigeon: 140 considered local.
Tuesday 9th November 2021 Taylors Field (Top Tram), west of Russell Farm, Off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal, SD542976542 (110m asl or 360ft asl).
Forecast: Wind SSW14mph, Temp 11c (or 13c), Chance of Rain: 70%, Humidity: 91%, Precipitation: 0.3cm, Pressure: 1017 hPa, Visability: 8.1 km, Cloud: 100%
Actual: 0700hrs - 1030hrs. Well it was well clagged out throughout the watch and raining throughout, but I at least could manage to use the brolly. It only turned the brolly inside out on once occasion, so things are definately looking up for my new brolly. Visability was poor throughout with at best only 200 yards and for most of the time only 100 yards, but centralizing myself in the centre of the main corridor paid off with all overhead birds. These new to me camouflage jacket and trousars are marvellous, both warm and goretex lined and not letting any water through as they say "snug as a bug in a rug". The winds stayed reasonable at about 6-15mph SSW.
I think that South wind orientation made it good going for the Chaffinch especially in the first hour with some really good parties. I was on chauffer duties 0845 to 0915hrs so instead of going back up to the Top Tram, I watched from Greenslet which if you can imnagine is about 300yards to the NW of Top Tram. Here it is cleaner to watch with birds going direct in all cases but your corridor width range is much more reduced. Why I used the word cleaner is when you are up at Top Tram there are far more birds about but you need to differentiate between the movers and the bloggers which are constantly hopping from trees to trees. Just a sprinkling of Thrushes on the morning. Even just before leaving at 1015hrs I was still getting the odd large Chaffinch party eg: 44 and a few 6s,7s. So I guess thats how it could be for most of the day. You only get good parties when there is a South orientation. Just to finish off I was shouting to a Chaffinch to shut up, why? because it kept on "pinking" you know the regular Chaffinch call and through this it was bringing down loads of Chaffinch from the skies instead of letting them get on with their journies. It just shows the power of a single call. I guess they all think that bird down there is calling to tell us lot that there is good grub to be got down there! they did drop down but were shortly afterwards on their way.
Chaffinch: 634 (563 se and 71w (best parties: 1x54,1x44,1x34,1x30,1x20) first bird 0718hrs.
Linnet: 159 (114se and 45w) (best parties 1x30,3x20)
Goldfinch: 1
Reed Bunting: 1 se
Redwing: 5 (1w,1se,3w)
Fieldfare: 30 (s/sse)
Starling: 82 w (2,8,40,20,12,20)
Woodpigeon: 203 all w/nw
Starling 5000 approx E x roost from 0732hrs.
Monday 8th November 2021 Taylors Field (Top Tram), west of Russell Farm, Off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal, SD542976542 (110m asl or 360ft asl).
Forecast: Wind: SSE2mph, Temp: 6c, Sunrise 0726hrs, Chance of Rain 60%, Humidity: 90%, Precipitation: 0.1cm, Pressure: 1021hPa, Visability: 15.1km, Cloud 100%.
Actual: 0700hrs - 1000hrs. Another morning which was quite peaceful with winds blowing from the SE on about 3-4mph. Motorway noise strongest from the SW. Very first light it was quite nice, but when the sun did get up for a short time it was soon blocked out by cloud. The skies became a near replica of the other morning with a milky sort of sky with many parallel horizontal ridges. When this sort of sky was showing last, before long (within 1/2 hour it brought clag and soaking weather), well today was exactly the same by 0917 you saw the Clag building over Morecambe Bay and by 1000hrs it had moved over us and brought visability down to 200 yards at best, and the drizzly wetting stuff with it. by then I had enough.
First thing there was a great rush with the Chaffinch with 262 in the first hour but has the sun got brighter it seemed to kill it dead for a short time, but after that they did get going again but in far reduced numbers. Just a token of Thrushes. Lots of small Woodpigeon parties heading North eg: maybe 20-30 parties of low teens and just occasionals of 50s. This mornings Starlings ex roost heading out overhead was in the region of 4000 birds approx.
Chaffinch: 372 (293se and 79w) best parties: 2x20,1x18,1x16,1x15,1x14,1x13,1x11. First birds at 0721hrs.
Linnet: 136 (77w and 59se)
Redwing: 115 nw (15,30,70)
Fieldfare: 37 nw (1,6,30,1)
Starling: 24 w (1,4,1,3,5,10)
Starling 4000 e x roost from 0732hrs
Sunday 7th November 2021 Taylors Field (Top Tram) west of Russell Farm, Off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal, SD542976542 (110m asl or 360ft asl).
Forecast: Wind W16mph (or WNW22-35) Temp 9c, Sunrise 0724hrs, Chance of Rain 20%, Humidity 76%, Precipitation 0.7cm, Pressure: 1017 hPa, Visability: 16.1km, Cloud 100%.
Actual: 0700hrs to 1000hrs. Started dry but within 20 minutes rain came in from the west and it was on/off rain until about 0900hrs then it became dry for the rest of the watch. BUT the winds became a nightmare, they had slackened down to about 15mph whilst it was raining. But once the rain stopped the winds freshened to about 20 to 30mph with gust probably at 40/45 mph. Difficult to stand up winds.
It was quickly noticable that with the wind having moved to a northerly position things were going to be much quieter. In fact the thrushes were really thin on the ground with only 12 parties in total. The small amount we had found it difficult with the strong winds but persevered and moved through to a nnw direction. Even the Chaffinch were not coming through to the SE as they would normally in more south orientated winds.
Chaffinch: 242 (141se and 101w) best: 1x12,1x11,1x10. first: 0703hrs.
Linnet: 121 (82w and 39se) best: 1x20,2x15,1x12. first:0703hrs
Skylark: 5 s (1,4) struggling with wind
Redwing: 195 n or nnw (best: 3x40,1x30)
Fieldfare: 67 n or nnw (50,12 and 5 with Redwing)
Blackbird: 1se (large probably continental)
Starling: 92 west (continentals in small parties 20,5,30,1,30,6)
Woodpigeon: 150se (100,50)
Grelag Goose: 24 nw (15 and 9) at 0911hrs.
Starling: 400 e x roost from 0744hrs (300,100)
Yesterdays routing of the Thrushes over Lancaster Infirmary and also routing over Burton In Kendal
Saturday 6th November 2021 Taylors Field (Top Tram) west of Russell Farm, Off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal, SD542976542 (110m asl or 360ft asl).
Forecast: Wind WSW 15mph (or WSW 21-31mph), Sunrise 0722hrs, Temp 10c, Chance of Rain 50%, Humidity: 91%, Precipitation 0.0cm, Pressure: 1021 hPa, Visability 16.1km, Cloud: 100%.
Actual: 0925hrs to 1200hrs. It was a terrible morning and not pleasurable at all, needless to say the thrushes were on the move but under much hardship. It was on off rain throughout the count and the wind was very strong at times struggling to keep upright. I would guess it was WSW between 20 and 45mph. What did not help was build up of clag to my west, and this area I really needed clear to see which way the birds would be going and the altitude they were at. So it proved difficult.
The thrushes were coming through at all altitudes some very high to about 500ft, and maybe even higher, yet some only 10-20ft from the ground. The majority were high and coming through very fast with the wind on their side. I had a good idea of the amount of Thrushes to be expected from earlier (see below), this did not transpire although not complaining still had lots of birds. But were did the quantity go? I think some went low and used many cuttings to my west. See below for report of my earlier watch at the Lancaster Infirmary.
Usual watchpoint - Taylors Fields Top Tram (0925hrs to 1200hrs)
Chaffinch: 431 (268se and 153w) best parties: 1x144,1x70,4x50,1x40,1x30,1x20.
Linnet: 62 se
Brambling: 1se
Redwing: 1145 n/nnw (20 parties, best: 2x70,1x60,1x50)
Fieldfare: 385 n/nnw (6 parties, best: 1x160,1x80,1x60,1x50)
Starling: 117w
Greylag Goose: 16w
My first job before reaching my regular watchpoint was taxi-ing the wife to the Royal Lancaster Infirmary for a check up, and I decided to stand outside and as you do looking up into the sky! I just could not believe it, it just happened to be the main thoroughfare for the Redwing and Fieldfare heading in a north to nnw direction having come in from the s/sse. The birds were coming through on a narrow corridor every couple of minutes, the corridor was overhead and about the full length of the hospital car park.
A 55 minute watch outside of the Lancaster Infirmary.) SD4778660911 (34 metre asl)
Redwing: 1042 all n/nnw (21 parties: best 1x150,2x100,1x90,1x80,2x60,3x50,
Fieldfare: 171 all n/nnw (4 parties: 1x60,1x56,1x30,1x25
Friday 5th November 2021 Taylors Field (Top Tram) west of Russell Farm, Off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. SD542976542 (110m asl or 360ft asl).
Forecast: Wind ESE 1-2 mph, Sunrise 0720hrs, Temperature:1-2c, Chance of Rain: 50%, Humidity: 100%, Precipitation: 0.0cm, Pressure: 1023 hPa, Visability: 16.1km,Cloud: 81%
Actual: 0630hrs to 1200hrs. It was not a nice morning although it started well with greyed over skies with parallel horizontal ridge lines, its the sort of sky we sometimes call "a milky sky" by 0800hrs things changed with a darker grey sky taking its place and "low cloud (clag) moving in from all perimeters bringing visability down to only two hundred yards and this is how it remained for the rest of the morning making it a very damp and cold morning. It started to lift from 1100hrs.
The Chaffinch showed good numbers especially during the mid morning period (0928hrs to 0945hrs) with some good parties all se. It never lived up to expectations with the Thrushes with just odd occasional parties coming through which were mainly Redwing. It was nice yet again to have 3 Whooper Swans go South East.
Chaffinch: 509 ( 349se and 160w) best parties: 1x98,1x27, a few in teens. (first bird at 0717hrs)
Linnet: 116 se (21,6,70,4,15)
Alba Wagtail: 1 se
Redwing: 328 n/nw (best: 1x60,1x50,1x40,2x30,5x20)
Fieldfare: 66 w and n (2w,40n,4w,20n)
Starling: 75w (4,20,8,5,20,4,4)
Whooper Swan: 3 se at 1158hrs.
Jay: 1se
Starling: 426 e xroost from 0713hrs.
Thursday 4th November 2021 Taylors Field (Top Tram) west of Russell Farm, Off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. SD542976542 (110m asl or 360ft asl).
Forecast: Wind: North 5mph (or NNW 7-14 mph), Temperature 4c, 0718 hrs sunrise, Chance of Rain 10%, Humidity: 81%, Precipitation:, Pressure: 1015 hPa, 16.1km visability, Cloud: 21%
Actual: 0630hrs to 1100hrs. The weather and details were more or less as forecast.
The Chaffinch were very regular with singles, pairs and very small parties. Again the bias was showing to the West passage. The Thrushes took hold today with good counts of Redwing and good start up numbers of Fieldfare. I would expect tomorrow to be something special (fingers crossed)
First frost of the year on car this morning.
Chaffinch: 340 (208 west and 132 se) best parties:1x20,2x9,1x8, mainly pairs, trios and singles. First bird at: 0650 (thats 28 minutes prior to sunrise.
Brambling: 10nw travelling with Redwing.
Linnet: 130 (120se and 10w)
Redpoll: 4 se
Redwing: 1260 (all points between W,NW, N) (best parties: 1x100,2x80,4x60)
Fieldfare: 250 all w/nw
Woodpigeon: 35 se
Starling 319 w
Whooper Swan: 6 se
Wednesday 3rd November 2021 Taylors Field (Top Tram) west of Russell Farm, Off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. SD542976542 (110m asl or 360ft asl)
Forecast: Wind NE 2mph, Temp 5c, Chance of Rain 20%, Humidity: 100%, Precipitation 0.1cm, Pressure 1003 hPa, 16.1km. Cloud: 60%
Actual: 0630hrs to 1000hrs. It was bright from the off with only 30% cloud cover and remained similar throughout the watch. Yes the wind was as forecast NE 2mph with the occasional to 4mph.
The birds were trickling through as expected, did not expect too much with a north east wind.
Chaffinch: 209 (142se and 67w) best parties: 1x8,2x6, but mainly singles and pairs. First bird at 0713hrs.
Linnet: 74 (64se 10w)
Starling: 12w (8,4)
Skylark: 1 s
Woodpigeon: 128 se in various little groups.
Greylag Goose: 3se
Starling 334e x roost from 0709hrs
So yesterday I mentioned about all the money spiders everywhere. I was sat down having a drink of coffee and kept seeing these little black balls going past horizontal, and I caught up with them has they hit the nearby hedgerow and they turned out to be money spiders, lots of them, they were everywhere eg: in the air floating past, on any projecting branches from the hedgerows, on the tips of old tall grasses which looked a bit like one metre tall old wheat or something similar. I must try and remember to do the lottery this week never had so many spiders on my cap before! I took some photos (shown below charts) of them on the branches. I checked around everywhere today and there was not a money spider to be found. Strange and intriguing!
Click over to enlarge
Click over to enlarge
Click over to enlarge
Tuesday 2nd November 2021 Taylors Field (Top Tram), west of Russell Farm, off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. SD542976542 (110m asl or 360ft asl)
Forecast: Wind: W4mph (or WSW 2-5mph), Chance of Rain 20%, Humidity: 93%, Precipitation: 0.7cm, Pressure 995 hPa, Visability 16.1km, Cloud 100%, Temperature 6c.
Actual: 0630hrs to 1030hrs. The morning started with a cloudburst but this went over within 30 minutes, then the day improved. In part the morning became bright wiwith on 50% cloud. The wind was never more than about 3mph WSW..
The Chaffinch did come through in much reduced numbers, but this was expected with the winds having changed from the favoured Southerly directions to a straight West. Little was seen in the way of larger parties and numbers were mainly singles and pairs and occasional 3s or 5s. A nice bonus to see 4 Whooper Swans low and overhead coming from a SE and heading out to a NW. Managed for the first time to hear a little party of Siskin.
Chaffinch: 300 (177se and 123w) best parties: 1x20,1x13,1x12,1x10. First bird 0708hrs.
Linnet: 35 (30se and 5w)
Siskin: 10 se
Starling: 63w (3,30,30)
Woodpigeon: 242 se (made up of small parties)
Little Egret: 1 nw
Whooper Swan: 4nw at 0927hrs.
Starling 180 e x roost from 0707hrs.
Photos of money spiders etc later.
Monday 1st November 2021 Taylors Field (Top Tram), west of Russell Farm, off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. SD542976542 (110m asl or 360ft asl)
Forecast: Wind: WSW 22mph, Sunrise 0712hrs, 9c Temperature, Chance of Rain 50%, Humidity 94%, Precipitation: 3.9cm. Pressure: 980 hPs, Visability: 11.3km, Cloud: 100% cover.
Actual: 0630hrs- 1130hrs. A strange sort of morning. Right from off it was very windy WSW 22mph so windy that it broke yet another umbrella, in fact the third this week. I have decided it is far too windy on this top for umbrellas!! but not only the wind was hard work but it lashed it down with heavy rain at times. By 0800hrs it just stopped raining, came brighter to 50% of the skies and the wind dropped to 12-15 mph westerlies. On leaving at 1130hrs the wind had again started freshening.
The birds did not enjoy the Westerlies anything like they have with the recent Southerlies. The numbers were down a bit or better if I say that there have been more pairs and trios and less in the way of parties. Obviously because of the wind direction numbers today have been slightly more biased to the Westerley route, with birds wanting to go into the headwing. Yet the ones that did go through to the SE with a strong tail wind went passed you like "bullets" probably travelling at about 30 or even 40 miles per hour, and I guess this would have caused considerable "drift" to our little feathered friends.
Chaffinch: 566 (320w and 246se) first bird 0724hrs -best parties: 1x34,3x20,1x15,1x13,2x12,1x11,2x10
Linnet: 216 (111w and 105se) first bird at 0723hrs - best parties: 1x40,2x20
Blackbird: 1se
Redwing:43 (8nw,35w)
Starling 111 e x roost from 0715hrs
Sunday 31st October 2021 Taylors Field (Top Tram), west of Russell Farm Off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. SD542976542 (110m asl o 360ft asl)
Forecast: Wind SE24 to 43, by 0900hrs 28-51mph, Sunrise NOW 0710hrs, Chance of Rain 90%, Humidity: 86%, Precipitation 1.7cm, Pressure 991hPa, Visability 16.1km, Coud: 100%
Actual: 0630hrs - 0815hrs Only a short visit and soon abandoned. It was blowing at around 20 mph quickly rising to 30mph with regular gust to 45mph. On top of that the rain was heavy. The 2nd umbrella this week, now thrown in the rubbish skip. By the way the wind was so strong and cold it gave you proper icy cheeks!
Little was moving and could you blame them! I did just have a few Chaffinch as listed. Called it a day and went home, plans to return if the winds abate hopefully by 1000hrs
Chaffinch: 5 (3se and 2w) first birds 0745hrs
Redwing: 3 se (struggled and blown to SW but re-orientated with much trouble
1015hrs to 1304hrs (2nd session) The rain had stopped for a while or gone to light rain, but strange just how the wind had dropped right down eg: SE 8 to 15mph, although did freshen again towards lunchtime to 15mph S/SSE. by 1300 the rains came again
The Chaffinch came through OK, not too busy just steady trickles every 5-10 minutes or so you would get another party. I am still getting some good parties.
Chaffinch: 504 (378 se and 126w) best parties: 1x60,1x44,1x43,1x38,1x30,1x27,1x21,1x20 (first 2nd session 1015hrs)
Linnet: 117 (54se and 63w)
Redwing: 28se
Greylag Goose: 29w at 1226hrs (presumed Crook of Lune to W)
Starling: 40 e ex roost from 1026hrs.
1420hrs to 1450hrs (30mins) (3rd Session) Just a quick stroll to check on the flightpath although it was by now heavy rain, but still odd birds going through.
Chaffinch: 29 se
Linnet: 8 se
A Halloween tale from not so long ago
This beautiful red sky is what the Starlings were faced with this morning - Wed 31st October 2018 (Halloween) Hutton Roof (from my watchpoint Burton In Kendal)
I certainly experienced something different this morning (31st Oct 2018), which I have never seen before!
About 2,000 Starling came through in one wave (after leaving their roost which is about 5 miles to my West) and normally would continue East to their feeding grounds around Kirkby Lonsdale etc., just has they passed me at about 50ft high they suddenly all tumbled down quickly to the nearest tree or trees of Pickles Wood which lies to the base of Hutton Roof to take cover (never done this before to my knowledge). There they all started chattering with a enormous collective sound just like you would normally hear if you went along to their evening roost site. After the red skies on their horizon had almost subsided perhaps 20 minutes later the birds started to leave the temporary holding area in small parties of 50 or more at a time, the evacuation lasted for some 20 minutes. I can only think that perhaps the sight of that red sky had "spooked" them! or maybe they were showing that they wanted to get into the "Halloween" mood (spooky)......

Did you remember to put the clocks back last night?
Saturday 30th October 2021 Taylors Field (Top
Tram), west of Russell Farm, Off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. SD542976542
(110m asl or 360ft asl)
Forecast: Wind SSE 16mph (or SE 18-31mph), Sunrise 0808hrs, Chance of Rain:
60%, Humidity 89%, Temperature 10c, Precipitation: 1.1cm, Pressure 990
hPa,Visability 6.4km, Cloud: 100%.
Actual: 0730hrs to 1230hrs. Another washed out morning with rain more or less
relentless til 1018hrs then regular intermittent to about 1200hrs then the sky
started to turn to blue skies and became bright. With regards to winds which
were only ever 2mph South to SSE, so wind was never a problem
Very dark first thing which obviously delayed the start. It was heavy
rain from the off and the birds hardly wanted to know (unlike all previous
days), yet there were still odd pairs having a go. It was 0930hrs before I got
any good parties which included a 60,30 and 22. You could tell there was not
the same drive today, although I did get some later parties which included a
55,50,40, but most parties today were tens or mid teen sizes. Its always funny
and always a keen question of debate, BUT as the weather improved towards
midday, the birds almost stopped! its as though they only want to know
"harsh" weather conditions and do not want a "easy ride",
or thats how it appears.
Again, I say "baffling Chaffinch" because it happened again
this mornin and it has become a regular thing over the years, and thats why I
have written about it in the past and I have also done poems etc. But why
on some days usually about mid to late morning (just like this morning) do I
get some really big Chaffinch parties coming in a Westerley direction. If we are
going to get big parties why dont they happen from first light or at varying
times, but its always over a short 30 minute period just as I did this
morning a 50,30,1x15 etc. At first I thought they could have been blow
backs, but just like this morning there was no wind yet it still
happened. Are these genuinely birds from the SE heading to the West which
I am sure they are or is there some other factor at stake. I dont think
for one moment they are yesterday afternoons roosting birds from some way off
destination, but who really knows. Still a great morning whichever direction the birds choose.
Chaffinch: 784 (599 se and 185w) best parties:
1x60,1x55,2x50,1x40,1x30,1x22 first bird at 0815hrs
Linnet: 294 (176w 118se)
Skylark: 1 s
Starling: 725 e x roost from 0857hrs (late and last at 1150hrs)
Skylark: 1 s
Starling: 725 e x roost from 0857hrs (late and last at 1150hrs)
Also additional 1619hrs to 1650 hours (31 minutes) A quick walk to get on the same flightline and sure enough they were going through.
Chaffinch: 71 (44se and 26w) best party: 1x21,1x8,2x6
Linnet: 34 (24 se and 10w)
Friday 29th October 2021 Taylors Field (Top Tram), west of Russell Farm, Off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. SD542976542 (110m asl or 360ft asl)
Forecast: Wind SE6 mph (or SW 18-37mph), Sunrise 0806hrs, 12c, Chance of Rain 70%, Humidity 95%, Precipitation 1.4cm, Pressure: 991 hPa, Visability: 11.3km, Cloud 100%.
Actual: 0730hrs to 1430hrs After a little rain first thing it cleared up for about 0900hrs, yet the wind was very strong yet again mainly coming from S/SSE directions. At about 1400hrs we had a terrential downpour of heavy rain and winds coming from all directions and you could hardly stand up with gust to 40 and 50mph. Another brolly broken, but good for testing out my new waterproofs etc and they passed in flying colours. But when I looked up into the skies holding on to what was left of my brolly, I just could not believe that several Chaffinch were going through. They are just incredible. Anyway the rains stopped and the winds died down a little and started coming from a West direction. But the damage was already done with the storm, it just killed all migration with just a handful over half hour so obviously it was time to call it a day.
Chaffinches were coming through a little later than usual eg: from 0805hrs, because it was very dark still with black clouds everywhere and not really getting light properly until about 0815hrs, but the birds started to come through in good numbers and continued all the way through until the storm. I got some really good parties with a 43,55, lots of 40s,20s,30s. Also was lucky to have a Swallow heading south straight past me.
Chaffinch: 1253 (1243 se and 10w) first bird 0801hrs (best parties: 1x60,1x55,1x43,1x40,1x37,3x36,1x35,1x31,2x26,1x25,1x24,6x20,.
Linnet: 137 (133se and 4w)
Swallow: 1 south
Meadow Pipit: 1 se
Alba Wagtail: 1 se
Starling: 6w (2,4)
Starling: 60 e x roost from 0921hrs
Thursday 28th October 2021 Taylors Field (Top Tram) west of Russell Farm, Off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. SD542976542 (110m asl or 360ft asl)
Forecast: Wind South 19mph (or 21-38 mph), 0804 sunrise, 90% Chance of Rain, 88% Humidity, 3.8cm precipitation, 1003 hPa pressure, 14.5 km visability, Cloud 100%.
Actual: 0730hrs - 1230hrs. For once we had a dry morning although it started with the finest of drizzle which cleared as soon as it begun. Also it just started light rain on leaving. However although we did not have rain, the winds were very strong and without doubt would have been 20 mph gusting to 40mph with just a little let up here and there.
The Chaffinch were coming through straight from the word go with the first birds at 0750hrs (before official sunrise at 0804) in fact I had 99 birds over in the first 15 minutes which were all before sunrise. The birds kept coming through all morning with some nice parties eg: lots of 20s, 30s, with one party of 170, the birds were still going through at 1230hrs on my leaving but in a much reduced numbers. I am sure there would be continentals here and no doubt there could well be some Brambling that I may be missing. But unless I can here there call its impossible for me to say. I have strong noise from the motorway below and in 20-40mph winds that alone creates so much noise it probably drowns out drawn out nasal calls. 1131 Chaffs by 0935hrs.
Chaffinch: 1779 (1674se and 105w) first bird: 0750hrs, best parties: 1x170,1x75,1x70,1x47,1x45,1x34,1x32,3x31,2x30,2x26,1x25,1x24,1x21,4x20,
Linnet: 234 (175se and 59w)
Alba Wagtail: 1 se
Redwing: 11w (3,8)
Stock Dove: 1se
Starling: 20e ex roost from 0805hrs.
Also a late session from 1628hrs to 1720hrs (52 minutes) and birds were still going through - it was on the edge of darkness. Surely they must be going to roost soon...
Chaffinch were still going through strong so obviously they must have been going all afternoon. Even now I was getting some nice parties eg: 60,50,40 etc.
Chaffinch: 340 (299se 41w) (best parties: 1x60,1x50,1x40,2x30)
Linnet: 17
Redwing: 2sw
Starling: 20w
Worth checking:
Late afternoon session 1628 to 1720hrs total of 52 minutes.
Todays log - nice to have some dry pages today, but still damp from yesterday.
Wednesday 27th October 2021 Taylors Field (Top Tram) west of Russell Farm, Off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. SD542976542 (110m asl or 360ft asl)
Forecast: Wind SW 22 - 40mph, 0802 sunrise, 100% Chance of Rain, 88% Humidity, 0.5cm precipitation, 1009 hPa, 11.3 km visability. Cloud 100%.
Actual: 0730hrs - 1130hrs. Raining heavy throughout the count, and blowing strong with a start of 22 mph SW with gust to 40mph, which mid morning freshened and increased to about 25 mph with gust to 45mph. These fantastic birds just kept coming whatever wind and rain threw at them. At one stage it was making me wobble a bit with a job to stand on two feet, and when I looked up those Chaffinch were going over my head. It was again brilliant under the worst conditions but you had to be there to witness nature at its best eg: a few grams of feathery weight cutting adverse strong wind and heavy rain with some real spectacles of flight achievement. Visability at times got down to 200 yards with the perimeters completed shrouded in low cloud.
The Chaffinch started well with just small parties or singles and pairs but by about 0845hrs I started getting the larger parties 20,74,45 etc etc and it was all systems go for most of the morning although I felt it had started to die down by 1100hours. It obviously was not just as good as yesterday, but I did not expect it to be with the far worsening adversity. Yet it was still brilliant and I would never have expected so many. "In other words whatever the conditions we will fly through it" and thats just what they did!!
Chaffinch: 1052 (974se and 78w) best parties: 1x74,1x52,1x45.2x40,1x30,1x28,1x26,3x25,1x23,6x20, first bird 0805hrs
Linnet: 212 (192se and 20w)
Redwing: 47w (1,3,8,6,11,7,5,2,4)
Starling: 2w
Starling: 51e x roost from 0825hrs.
Sites worth checking out:
Tuesday 26th October 2021 Taylors Field (Top Tram) west of Russell Farm, Off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. SD542976542 (110m asl or 360ft asl)
Forecast: Wind: SSW 11mph or (South 10-22mph), 9c, sunrise 0800hrs, Chance of Rain 80%, Humidity: 94%, Precipitation 0.3cm, 1012 hPa, 11.2km visability. Cloud: 100%.
Actual: 0715hrs to 1145hrs and 1230hrs to 1445hrs. The morning started off with lousy weather for a couple of hours with constant raining which did eventually stop about 0900hrs, visability was down to 200 yards with all perimeters in low cloud but this cleared after about one hour, the winds were strong throughout starting off at South 12mph gusting to 20, they increased and by 1000hrs were at around the 17-25mph with gust. Some birds cut it OK but the majority were getting blown back and arcing round, some going high some going low using all cuttings to get through. It was around 0850hrs that indications that something was to get going with a couple of 20 parties, but by 0916hrs I had parties of 85,20s,44,44,44,10,12, that was great but was to get even better and by 0929hrs I had a party of 200 plus, 50,50,30. It was absolutely magic between 0915 and 0945hrs, but even after that the rest of the morning and into the earlier afternoon, lots and lots of 20,30 and 40 parties were coming through. It got down to trickles by around 1430hrs. Unfortunately I was called away at 1145 to 1230 for family taxying, so obviously would have got well over the 3000 mark if I had been there. I feel pretty sure that most of these birds will be continentals and come down to us probably from Scotland. Hard work, sodden at times but a fabulous day on the Chaffinch. My last best was about 1500.
Chaffinch: 2900 (2359se and 541w) Best parties: 1x200 plus,2x85,1x80,3x60,
7x50,9x40,2x44,1x32,8x30,2x27,2x25,2x22,22x20 - first bird at 0805hrs
Linnet: 310 (266se 44w) first bird at 0810hrs
Redwing: 65 s/se (2,3,40,8,8,4)
Starling: 195 w (50,25,60,30,30)
Common Snipe 1 se
Greylag Goose: 6w at 1038
Starling: 36e x roost from 0814hrs.
LOOK AT TODAYS "MESSY" LOG but some busy pages for once....
(above - todays busy log. Please note before I set off this very morning I wrote a reference on the top of the page to remind me to check out the BAFFLING CHAFFS which happened on 25th Oct 2017, about a certain part of the day in particular when large parties of Chaffinch started coming from the E to the W, in fact just by coincidence had some similarity to today.... about mid morning they started just like it was back in 2017.
Baffling Chaffs
So what was that all about then!
Chaffinches from mid morning –ten thirtyish!,
All going overhead West in 25s,20s,15s and tens,
In all I bet I had ten parties at least!
By eleven o-clock they had finished.
I thought, hi hi they are roosting birds,
Having had a lie in, snug in the maize fields.
But then I noticed they were travelling a long way
All across Hutton Roof summit not just local,
Or creeping all along the western flank (Dalton Hall side)
And surely if this was the case why on earth,
Had it not showed up before now! I watch daily.
Then a small Brambling party also went West,
And this discounted my earlier thoughts of “roosting” Chaffs,
So what was going on then!
Nice one!
(25th Oct 2017)
Sites worth checking out:
Monday 25th October 2021 Taylors Field (Top Tram) west of Russell Farm, Off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. SD542976542 (110m asl or 360ft asl)
Forecast: Wind SW 11mph (or SW 14-25), 10c, Chance of Rain 60%, 89% Humidity, Precipitation 0.4cm, 1009 hPa pressure, 16.1km visability. 12% Cloud.
Actual: 0715 to 1400hrs. Another good day with the Chaffinch, also odd parties of Starling coming through to West. Stayed on and Chaffs were still going through on leaving although much quieter. Also noted now the maize has recently been lifted to stubble it has created not just Linnet but also a large Chaffinch blogging party approx 40 birds.
Chaffinch: 1164 (743se and 421w) 10 parties above 30/40, lots 20s, lots teens and lots of singles pairs trios etc. First bird at 0745hrs
Linnet: 219 se first at 0758hrs
Alba Wagtail: 1 se
Redwing: 59nw (6,30,15,6,2)
Mistle Thrush: 1s
Starling: 261 w (one party 200)
Starling: 68 e x roost at 0748hrs
Sites worth checking out:
Sunday 24th October 2021 Taylors Field (Top Tram) west of Russell Farm, Off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. SD542976542 (110m asl or 360ft asl)
Forecast: Wind South 18mph, 11c, Chance of Rain 70%, 79% Humidity, 0.2cm precipitation, 1012 hPa pressure, 16.1km visability, 100% Cloud.
Actual: 0715 to 1200hrs. Strong winds of 12mph with gust to 15 and 20 mph, on/off rain but mainly dry. Chaffinch numbers now starting to build with good teen parties. Another small party of Whoopers but this time going back to a North West. A few Redwing went through to the South East. Chaffinch most were 40 to 60ft with occasionals to 150ft. Swans at 200ft.
Chaffinch: 601 (589se and 12w) best:1x30,1x20,1x18, 1x16,1x15, 2x13,3x12,1x10 first bird at 0747hrs.
Linnet: 455 se best:1x80,1x60,1x40,1x30. First bird at 0806hrs.
Alba Wagtail: 2 se
Skylark: 1 se
Redwing: 102 se (12,1,8,10,1,20,50)
Starling: 25w (20,5)
Whooper Swan: 3 nw at 0905hrs.
Starling: 25 e xroost at 0819hrs.
Also birds are still going through, when I visited at 1615 to 1630hrs with:
Chaffinch 11 se (3,5,1,1,1)
Linnet: 20 se (one party)
It more or less confirms birds will have been going through all day just as they did yesterday, so hopefully tomorrow will be a carry on.
Sites worth checking out:
Saturday 23rd October 2021 Taylors Field (Top Tram) west of Russell Farm, Off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. SD542976542 (110m asl or 360ft asl)
Forecast: Wind South 10-20mph, 10c, Chance of Rain 20%, 92$ Humidity, Precipitation: 0.1cm, 1021 hPa Pressure, 16.1km visability. 94-100% Cloud.
Actual: 0700hrs - 1100hrs. Wind South 5 - 15mph. Chaffinch come through well, some very high eg: 150ft but majority in the 50 to 60ft. Minimal Thrushes although odd reports that Fieldfare may be starting up.
Chaffinch: 319 (285se 34w) mainly 3s and 2s (first 0749hrs) (averaging 20/30 over 20 minute periods)
Linnet: 171 se plus a blogging party of about 40 birds.
Greenfinch: 2 se
Redwing: 59 mainly W/NW/N.
Song Thrush: 1 e/se
Starling: 46 W (5,1,15,25)
Pink Footed Goose: 25 e at 0822hrs.
Stock Dove 2w
1630 to 1700hrs winds freshened to 20mph SSW. Makes you wonder just what went through this afternoon.
Chaffinch: 65 se (best parties: 1x25, 1x6 and mainly 4s and 3s)
Linnet: 34 se
Sites worth checking out:
Friday 22nd October 2021 Taylors Field (Top Tram) west of Russell Farm, Off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. SD542976542 (110m asl or 360ft asl)
Forecast: Wind WNW 17mph, 9c, 0752 sunrise, Chance of Rain 30%, 81% humidity, Precipitation 0.2cm,1014 hPa pressure, 11.3km visability. 70% Cloud.
Actual: 0700hrs - 1100hrs - Still relatively quiet, bonus was another morning with a party of 19 Whooper Swans. Casual occasional Redwing coming through at first some going West, then in the main North West.
Chaffinch: 139 (50se and 89w) first bird at 0752hrs
Linnet: 136 se (best: 1x40,1x20,1x15,1x10) first 0757hrs
Redwing: 615 w/nw (best: 1x80,2x70,1x50,5x40) first 0740hrs
Fieldfare: 2 nw
Whooper Swan: 19 se at 0906hrs.
Starling: 2e x roost from 0752hrs.
Sites worth checking out:
Thursday 21st October 2021 Taylors Fields (Top Tram) west of Russell Farm, Off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. SD542976542 (110m asl or 360ft asl)
Forecast: Wind North 9mph or NNW 7-13mph, 4c, Chance of Rain 20%, Cloud 8%, Humidity: 78%, Precipitation 0.5cm, Pressure: 1000 hPa, Visability: 16.1km.
Actual: 0700hrs to 1030hrs, Wind did start at N but soon swung around to NW 5-7 mph. Never did much on Northerlies, but with the swing round, it was obvious the birds were not keen at all and had given up by 0845hrs. Odd trickles of Redwing parties going either N or NNW. Nice Whooper party of 12 to East. Flight elevations about 50ft for finches and about 200ft for thrushes. Geese about 1500-2000ft. Swans approx 750-800ft.
Chaffinch: 131 (73w and 58se) first bird: 0737hrs
Linnet: 99 se plus blogging party of 50. first: 0739hrs
Redwing: 288 n/nnw) best: 1x60,1,45,1x40,2x30. first bird 0736hrs.
Blackbird: 1w
Mistle Thrush: 2e
Pink Footed Goose: 90 single skein to SW at 0858hrs
Whooper Swan: 12 to E at 0925hrs
Starling: 1 e x roost at 0816hrs
Lots (100's) LBBG's moving SE this morning
Not counted the very few Woodpigeons or the many Corvids
Sites worth checking out:
Wednesday 20th October 2021 Taylors Fields (Top Tram) west of Russell Farm, Off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. SD542976542 (110m asl or 360ft asl)
Forecast: Wind WSW 7 -10mph, 11c, Chance of Rain 40%, Humidity 85%, Precipitation 1.2cm, Pressure 999 hPa, Cloud 50%, Sunrise 0748, Visability: 16.1km.
Actual: 0700hrs to 1130hrs. Wind SW3-5mph. Fine all morning up until 1100hrs then came down raining. Excellent first thing and a small movement of Redwing over first hour then stopped. Chaffinch excellent especially in first 3 hours. Not counting corvid, woodpigeon or gulls. Estimated flight elevation was with finches approx 50 to 60ft and with Thrush 100ft..
Chaffinch: 263 (200se and 63w) best: 2x12, first bird at 0731 (before sunrise)
Linnet: 151 (134se 17w) best 1x30,2x20,1x15.
Redwing: 372 s/se best: 1x70,1x50,2x40,3x30 first bird at 0750.
Song Thrush: 1s
Starling: 15w.
Pintail: 2nw
Pink Footed Goose: 80n at 0845hrs.
Starling 56e x roost from 0850hrs (50,3,3)
Sites worth checking out:
Tuesday 19th October 2021 Taylors Fields (Top Tram) West of Russell Farm, Off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. SD542976542 (110m asl or 360ft asl)
Forecast: Wind E or SE 3mph, 14c, Chance of Rain 80%, Sunrise 0746hrs, Humidity: 97%, Precipitation 0.1cm, Pressure 1009 hP, Visability: 16.1km
Actual: 0715hrs to 1200hrs - Extroadinary that birds were coming through in this. Rain all morning at times heavy, partially stopped by 1100hrs and then just fine drizzle. Wind also freshened at about the same time to 15-20 mph and change of direction to Southerly, birds still coming through on leaving albeit much quieter. Good with Linnets although still small parties. Two odd parties of Redwing at approx 1100hrs.
Chaffinch: 195 (167se 28w) best parties: 1x10,1x6,2x5) first bird 0801hrs
Linnet: 140 all se (best parties 1x25,1x20,2x12,1x9)
Goldfinch: 2 se
Redwing: 90 (50sw and 40w)
Starling: 2w (1,1)
Starling: 47e from 0834hrs
Sites worth checking out:
Monday 18th October 2021 Taylors Fields (Top Tram) West of Russell Farm, off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. SD542976542 (110m asl or 360ft)
Forecast: Wind: SSE 5mph, 12c, 50% Chance of Rain, 96% Humidity, 0.1cm precipitation, 1013 hPa pressure, visability 14.5km.
Actual: 0700hrs to 1100hrs SSE 5-8mph, No rain until 1000hrs then on/off light rain for rest of morning. Definate build with Chaffinch today. Estimated flight elevation for Chaffinch mainly 50ft with odd occasionals at 100ft.
Chaffinch: 205 (187se 18w) (best parties: 4x7, 2x6, 1x5) first 0747hrs
Linnet: 80 (74se and 6w) best: 1x20,1x18
Alba Wagtail: 1 se
Curlew: 1 sw
Greylag Goose: 12 nw at 0820.
Starling: 40 e x roost from 0748hrs
Reports of Redwing entering the Country - Scotland.
Sites worth checking out:
Sunday 17th October 2021 Taylors Field (Top Tram), West of Russell Farm, off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. SD5402976542 (110m asl or 360ft)
Forecast: Wind SSE8mph, 11c, 60% Chance of Rain, 96% Humidity, 0.6cm Precipitation, Pressure: 1012hPa, Visability: 11.2km, Cloud 100%, Estimated Flight Elevation: 40 to 50ft with occasional at 150 to 200ft.
Actual: 0700hrs to 1100hrs. Off and on Drizzle throughout. Still quiet but a nice steady passage of Chaffinch.
Chaffinch: 163 (149se and 14w) first at 0810hrs best: 2x10,1x8,2x7.
Linnet: 37 se (20,2,8,7)
Goldfinch: 1 se
Alba Wagtail: 2 se (1,1)
Redwing: 3 (1e, 2s)
Starling: 10 w (4,6)
Greylag Goose: 20 se at 1120hrs.
Starling: 228 e x roost from 0820hrs.
Sites worth checking out:
Saturday 16th October 2021 Taylors Field (Top Tram), West of Russell Farm, off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. SD5402976542 (110m asl or 360ft).
Forecast: Wind East 3mph, 4c, 30% Chance of Rain, 91% Humidity, Precipitation, Pressure: 1020 hPa, Visability 16.1km. 100% Cloud, Estimated Flight Elevation: Finch 40 to 50ft. Thrush lowest about 100 with 2nw at about 500ft
Actual: 0700hrs to 1200hrs. Wind East 1-2, then as above. Not a lot doing, with everything being so calm, then it got drizzly off and on throughout. Skylark on the move today.
Chaffinch: 155 (97se and 58w) (1x10,1x6)
Linnet: 20 se (16,4) plus bloggers 50
Alba Wagtail: 2 se (1,1)
Skylark: 22 se (12,10)
Redwing: 29 (15n 3e 8e,1e,2nw)
Greylag Goose: 37 - 35se at 0715hrs and 2nw at 1200hrs.
Pink Footed Goose: 60 (35n@0853hrs, 4ne at 0857hrs, 21sw @ 1027hrs.
Woodpigeon: 35 nw
Starling: 10 e (8,2) x roost
Sites worth checking out:
(above: if a chart like that does not bring them in nowt will!!)
Friday 15th October 2021 Taylors Field (Top Tram), off Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. SD5402976542 (110m asl or 360ft)
Forecast: Wind ENE 5mph (or NE7-9mph), 4c, 10% Chance of Rain, 85% humidity, 0.1cm precipitation, 1020 hPa, 16.1km visability. 0729 sunrise, Cloud: 0%. Estimated flight elevation: Thrush at 300ft and Chaffinch at 40ft.
Actual: 0700hrs to 1100hrs Just steady trickles with Redwings up to 1030hrs then sudden stop. 3x100 parties.
Redwing: 797 N (22 parties: best 3x100,1x60,2x50) First 0728hrs
Fieldfare: 1 N
Chaffinch: 179 (108 se and 71 w) first 0730hrs
Linnet: 12 se (3,4,5)
Song Thrush: 1 S,
Jay: 4 N
Woodpigeon 5 N
Pink Footed Goose: 3 W @ 0810.
Starling 208 e x roost from 0728hrs.
Sites worth checking out:
Thursday 14th October 2021 Taylors Field (Top Tram), Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. SD5402976542 (110m above sea level = 360.89239ft)
Forecast: Wind WSW 8mph (or SW15-22mph), 40% Chance of Rain, 83% humidity, 0cm precipitation, 1023hPa pressure, 16,1km visability, 100% cloud. Estimated Flight Elevation: Finches 50ft Thrushes from 70ft with majority around 300ft.
Actual: 0700hrs to 1200hrs. Good day on the Redwings, but they just stopped at 0845 as though someone had turned off the tap. Stayed on until 1200hrs but no more Redwings. I have no positive ideas why they just stopped like they did. The only thing I can think of is that the wind freshened by about 1000hrs now perhaps the birds got advanced warning of this. I checked all altitudes, I checked all around to see if they had chosen a different route, but could not find any evidence to the contrary.
Redwing: 1324 all NW/N (25 parties best:1x150,1x130,3x70,3x60,4x50) 0748hrs
Fieldfare: 1 W
Mistle Thrush: 13 SW
Starling: 70 NW (60,10)
Chaffinch: 86 (25se and 61w)
Linnet: 13 W (5,5,3) plus local 30 blogging party.
Greenfinch: 1 W
Alba Wagtail: 1 W
Pink Footed Goose: 100 NW at 0859hrs
Other recorded passage so far today (Thursday)
17782 Redwing - Winter Hill, Bolton.
10000 Redwing - Tweseldown
5915 Redwing - SW,W,NW Oxenhope, Bradford.
5800 Redwing - Banstead, Surrey
4000 Redwing - Elton, Bury, Gtr Mcr.
3800 Redwing S - Clowbridge, Rossendale, Lancs
3416 Redwing E - Anglesey towards Bangor.
Sites worth checking out:
Wednesday 13th October 2021 Taylors Field (Top Of the Hill), Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. SD5402976542 (110m above sea level = 360.89239ft (123o SE - 54o 10' 58"N 2o 42' 21" W)
Forecast: Wind: WSW 3mph (or SSW 3-6mph), 12c, Chance of Rain 10%, Humidity 95%, Precipitation: 0cm, Pressure: 1026 hPa, Visability: 16.1km, Cloud 100% and decrease. Sunrise: 0735 Estimated flight elevation: 30ft finches and 40ft thrushes.
Sites worth checking out:
Actual: 0700hrs to 1130hrs. Changed over to Taylors Field (top of the hill) to gain elevation to 111m which opened up far more area for the Thrushes. The Redwing started coming through from first light and regular for the first 20 minutes, then low cloud moved in and brought down visability to 200 yards. Although the low cloud cleared by 1100hrs just odd small parties came through heading north.
Redwing: 434 all W/NW/N (16 parties: best: 3x60,2x50)
Mistle Thrush 1 SW
Song Thrush: 1 W
Starling: 49 W (30,12,2,5)
Chaffinch: 145 (68w and 77 se)
Brambling: 1 w
Linnet: 70 se (plus a 50 blogging party) (20,20,1,5,15,12)
Alba Wagtail: 5s (3,2)
Woodpigeon: 5 w/nw
Starling: 45e x roost from 0802hrs
1400hrs to 1500hrs - same location but Wind now West 12mph, Humidity 84%, 1026 hPa pressure, 20% chance of rain. Cloudy.
Redwing: 53 (50 nw and 3e)
Chaffinch:14 (10west and 4 se)
Pink Footed Goose: 28s at 1415hrs.
In other areas:
34727 Redwing - Leith Hill.
26013 Redwing - Banstead Surrey
13770 Redwing - Flamborough
2120 Redwing - Elton Res, Bury.
1845 Redwing - Winter Hill
1508 Redwing - Spurn
Sites worth checking out:
Tuesday 12th October 2021 Taylors Field (Greenslat), Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. SD53873276991 (100m above sea level - 328.084ft)
Forecast: Wind: West 5mph, 11c, 20% Chance of Rain, 90% Humidity, Precipitation, 1036 hPa pressure, 16.1km visability, Cloud cover 100%, (Other forecast: WNW 6-9mph) Estimated Flight Elevation:
Actual: 0700hrs - 1000hrs. Miles out with forecast it was West 0-1mph (no wind), Probably the quietest day I can ever remember experiencing with little to no birds. Even the corvids, gulls and pigeons were thin on the ground.
Chaffinch: 15 (7w 8se) first bird 0747hrs.
Mistle Thrush: 3sw
Starling: 10 e x roost from 0807hrs.
1500hrs to 1600hrs
Starling: 8w (one party)
Redwing: 60w and 3e
Chaffinch: 2se and 1w
Linnet: 10 one party (local)
Sites worth checking out:
Monday 11th October 2021 Taylors Field (Greenslat), Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal.
Forecast: NNE 1mph, 7c, 10% Chance of Rain, 92% humidity, precepitation, 1031 hPa pressure, 16.1km visability, Cloud: 84%, 0731 Sunrise. Estimated Flight Elevation: 50 to 60ft in the main with just odd pairs at 100 and 1 at approx 300ft.
Actual: 0700hrs to 1100hrs - Cloud 30%. Still defaulting on superquiet, but can report lots of Starlings must have come through from the Continent yesterday because the ex Silverdale/Leighton Moss birds this morning had swelled to 740 from about 50 on recent previous mornings. And thats just what comes East in my direction first thing in a morning. Also 3 parties west of birds coming in from the continent.
Chaffinch 59 (8w,6s,44se) best 1x5 - first bird 0733hrs
Linnet: 4 se (one party)
Alba Wagtail: 3 se (1,2)
Meadow Pipit: 1 se
Redwing: 1 w
Song Thrush: 3e (1,2)
Mistle Thrush: 1w
Starling: 18w (4,10,4)
Woodpigeon: 40 (all directions)
Greylag Goose: 1 se
No counts of Corvid or Gulls (all thought to be local)
Starlings 740 e x roost from 0729hrs, (then 0751hrs then 0822hrs) 140,500,70,4,12,10,3.
Sites worth checking out:
Sunday 10th October 2021 Taylors Field (Greenslat), Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal.
Forecast: ENE 2mph or NW 3mph, 9c or 10c, 10% chance of Rain, 94% Humid, 0.1cm precipitation, 1030hPa pressure, Visability 16.1km, Cloud: 21%, Sunrise 0729, Flight elevation 40ft with occasional at 70ft.
Actual: 0700hrs -1000hrs. SW 2mph. Really superquiet, its becoming a default!
Chaffinch: 44 (38se and 6w)
Linnet: 4se
Blackbird: 1 ne
Mistle Thrush 4 (3ne 1w)
Jay: 4 nw
Woodpigeon: 10 (all directions)
Starling: 1e xroost at 0820hrs
Sites worth checking out:
Saturday 9th October 2021 Taylors Field (Greenslat), Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal.
Forecast: ESE 4mph or SE 2mph, 14c or 11c, 40% Chance of Rain, 94% Humidity, Precipitation 0cm, 1027 hPa, Visability: 9.7 km. Cloud 100%, Sunrise: 0727. Estimated Flight elevation: mainly 50 to 60ft but some at 80 and 100 to 150ft.
Actual: 0700hrs to 1200hrs - Still quiet, a slight pick up with Linnets, Starlings to the West now coming through. Several thrushes and one early Redwing party.
Chaffinch: 111 (103se and 8w) best 1x8,1x7. First bird 0712hrs
Linnet: 69 (57w, 12se) Best party 50.
Goldfinch: 1 se
Meadow Pipit: 5 se (2,2,1)
Alba Wagtail: 5 se (1,2,2)
Skylark: 1 s
Redwing: 40 se (one party)they might have come down in Dalton Crags.
Song Thrush: 3 (1se and 2w)
Mistle Thrush: 3 (2sw and 1w)
Blackbird: 1ne (very high)
Thrush species: 1w
Starling: 40 w (10,30)
Greylag Goose: 50 s at 1156hrs.
heard overhead Golden Plover but not seen.
Woodpigeon: 22 mainly singles and duo heading in all directions.
Crows and Jackdaws not counted
Gulls - not counted.
Interesting to watch a song thrush scrapping mid air with a Mistle T. It does not take a lot to work out who came out on top!
Yesterday reports through that Starlings were coming West over Titchwell in their thousands.
Sites worth checking out:
Friday 8th October 2021 Taylors Field (Greenslat), Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal.
Forecast: ESE 4 mph or S 3-5mph, 14c, Chance of Rain 10%, Humidity 93%, Precipitation 0.1cm, Cloud 100%, Pressure 1026 hPa, Visability: 16.1km, Est Flight elevation:
Actual: 0700hrs to 1100hrs. Really quiet yet again throughout the watch, just trickles of occasional Chaffinch. High pressure moved in, so still, probably birds flying high altitude and being missed.
Chaffinch: 62 (61se and 1w) best: 1x12 first 0724hrs
Linnet: 4 se at 0806
Meadow Pipit: 1 se
Swallow: 2 s/se 1,1
Song Thrush 3 se (1,1,1)
Jay 2 n (probably local)
Peregrine 1 s (probably local)
Pink Footed Goose: 50 nw at 1052hrs (V. high Warton, Arnside Knott to nw)
Starling 40 to E x roost from 0747hrs
Yesterday: Several records of Redwing small parties heading W/SW and looking at the midnight chart below there could well be lots going through today.
Sites worth checking out:
Thursday 7th October 2021 Taylors Field (Greenslat), Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal.
Forecast: SE 6mph, 14c, Humidity 92%, Chance of rain 60%, Precipitation: 0.1cm, Pressure: 1020hPa, Visability: 11.3km, Cloud cover: 100%, Sunrise 0724, Estimated Flight altitude: approx 30-50ft occasional at 90ft.
Actual: SE 3 -7 mph, another one of those (what humans think! perfect day) with light to moderate wind from the South East and occasional drizzle in the air. You really do think they will go, but nothing just the occasional trickle. Nice to get 3 Blackbird to the West high, thought to be continentals.
Chaffinch: 87 (4s,1w,82se)
Meadow Pipit: 14 se (9,4,1)
Linnet: 32 se (5,6,6,15)
Alba Wagtail: 1 se at 50ft.
Blackbird: 3 sw high
Song Thrush: 1se
Starling: 2 w
Pink Footed Goose: 45 se (100ft)
Pigeons BHG not counted.
Belated record from yesterday (kindly passed on by Niel)
Whooper Swans 8 to the SE at 0645hrs (went down a little more South than my watchpoint.
Sites worth checking out:
Wednesday 6th October 2021 Taylors Field (Greenslat) Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal.
Forecast: NNW 6mph, 7c, Humidity: 84%, Chance of rain 20%, Precipitation: 1.9cm, Pressure: 1013 hPa, Visability 16.1km. Sunrise 0722hrs. Estimated flight elevation 30ft
Actual: NW 2mph. Movement with passerines just never got going at all with just occasional trickles throughout. There was a change over of wind again from a NNW through to NE and back again to settle in the West, birds do not like these changes and I am sure this will have hampered. Together with the still and brightness. However the morning was improved with the passage of 4 separate skeins of Pinks moving to the SSE. All over my head and collossal height and observed through binoculars - But for them calling I would never have been alerted to them.
0700hrs to 1100hrs
Chaffinch: 57 (16w and 41 se) some 4 parties - first bird 0725hrs
Meadow Pipit: 3 se (one party)
Linnet: 16 (11se and 5w) 7,5,4
Alba Wagtail: 1w
Greylag Goose 3w
Pink Footed Goose: 421 all directly overhead and sse 1@0834,70@0842,100@0932,160@0955,90@1030hrs
Cormorant: 1 se
Jay 4 (2 high and NW and 2 low to N)
1545hrs to 1645hrs (SSW 5mph) 0.2cm precip, 1020hPa pressure
Chaffinch: 8 (6 se and 2 w)
Linnet: 16 se (one party)
Swallow: 19 s/se (3,16)
Other areas:
Spurn 488 Redwing
Also several other sites reporting their first Redwing.
Sites worth checking out:
Tuesday 5th October 2021 Taylors Field (Greenslat), Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. Forecast: ENE 7mph, 10c, Humidity: 94%, Chance of Rain: 60%, Precipitation (0.4 or 1.8cm), Pressure: 995hPa, Visability: 16.1km, Sunrise 0720hrs, Estimated flight elevation Chaffs at 30ft on West and 40ft to SE, Mipits to SE at 60ft.
Actual - Started with NE then by 0800hrs swung round to Northerly and remained Northerly 3mph with occasional gust to 7mph. Heavy rain throughout, just very occasional let ups of 10 mins or more. The birds just were not bothering, obviously they did not like the rain, but more important they were not enjoying the wind swings (which usually puts them off for a little while) but then to go Northerly just capped it all and made it totally uninteresting for them. Looks like it will go to NW anytime. I will go up and check later this afternoon..
0700hrs to 1000hrs
Chaffinch: 28 (16w,1s,11se) first 0748hrs
Meadow Pipit: 5 se
Linnet 8e
Song Thrush: 1w
Greylag Goose: 11s at 0947hrs probably local
1130 to 1230hrs
Chaffinch: 12 (7w and 5 se)
Swallow: 1 se
Linnet: 12 w
Sites worth checking out:
Monday 4th October 2021 Taylors Field (Greenslat) Vicarage Lane,
Burton In Kendal. Forecast: SSE 7-14mph (NE 8mph),7c, Cloud 82%, Humidity: 95%, Chance of Rain: 70%, Precipitation 0.1, Pressure 1002 hPa, Visability: 11.3km. Sunrise 0718hrs, Cloud 54%, Estimated flight elevation: 30-50ft but some at 100-150ft.
0700hrs - 1100hrs. Another morning with yet again on/off heavy showers. Still good numbers of Swallows going through with an early party of 24, Just steady going today with Mipits and Chaffinch. Also did a later count at 1430hrs to 1600hrs and still the Swallows were going through.
Chaffinch: 138 (7s,15w,116se) best party: 1x8,1x5 lots at x4) First: 0719hrs.
Linnet: 6 se
Meadow Pipit: 36 se (2x7) first 0721hrs
Swallow: 39 s/se (3,24,1,7,1,1,2)
Alba Wagtail: 2 se (1,1)
Song Thrush: 1 se
Pink Footed Goose: 3w at 0942hrs
Greylag Goose: 11 to se at 1005hrs.
Starling 30 e (x roost) from 0726hrs
1430hrs to 1600hrs
Chaffinch: 60 (3w 57se) best: 1x15,1x6.
Meadow Pipit: 2 se
Linnet: 9 se
Swallow: 15 s/se (3,3,7,2)
Alba Wagtail: 3
Other areas:
Pink Footed Goose 1975 Sth and 71Nth, Elton Res, Bury.
Meadow Pipit: 1463 Sth - Elton Res, Bury.
Linnet 2610 s at Spurn Point
Goldfinch 2102 s at Spurn Point
Sites worth checking out:
There is a pot of gold at both ends of the rainbow
Sunday 3rd October 2021 Taylors Field (Greenslat), Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. Forecast: Wind SSW15, 8c, Chance of Rain 90%, Humidity: 89%, Precipitation 0.1mm or 1.4cm, Pressure: 986 hPa, Cloud 60%, Visability: 16.1km. Sunrise: 0704hrs. Estimated flight elevation: 60-80ft occasional higher.
0700hrs 1200hrs - Worst morning for ages in regards weather, but best so far for birds. It was just heavy showers every ten minutes, you got five minutes for every ten minutes wet, it really ground you down. Came reasonably dry by 1130hrs or going home time. Every time the showers abated you would get a nice passage of birds. Early 3 hours birds really struggled against wind, again noticeable that Chaffinch managed to cut the wind but Mipits forever arcing and blow back.
Chaffinch: 295 (294 se and 4 w) best: 1x23,1x20,1x17,2x12,1x10 (first 0720hrs)
Linnet: 35 se (5,23,10,8)
Meadow Pipit: 56 se (first 0730hrs)
Swallow: 2 s/se (1,1)
Pintail: 1 nw
Starling 13 e x roost from 0732.
Also 1600hrs to 1700hrs (Sunday)
Chaffinch: 8 se (4,2,2)
Meadow Pipit: 2 se (still struggling with strong wind)
Swallow: 2 s/se (1,1)
House Martin: 6 s/se (1,5)
Sites worth checking out:
Saturday 2nd October 2021 Taylors Field (Greenslat), Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. Forecast: Wind SSE 13mph, 8c, 80% chance of rain, 91% Humidity, Precipitation 1.1cm, Pressure: 1002, Visibility: 16.1km, sunrise 0714hours, Estimated flight elevation 30-50ft odd pair at 75-10ft
0700hrs - 1100hrs Better with the South Easterlies, but far too strong. It was 15mph verging on 20mph with very regular gust at 35mph, difficult the birds were constantly being blown back and seen "arching". The Chaffinches as usual cut it better than the Mipits of which most went to ground. It never let off, with off/on rain showering but more on than off. The wind also freshened by 1030hrs and put paid to the passage. May check late afternoon... Ah! nearly forgot - Several Song Thrush in the lane this morning which usually happens at this time of year - could well be continentals..
Chaffinch: 137 (130se and 7w) best 1x12,1x9,1x6,3x5) first bird @ 0727hrs
Meadow Pipit: 42 se (best: 1x9,1x5) first bird 0728hrs
Linnet: 28 (18 se 10 w) (1,12,5,10)
Alba Wagtail: 4 se (1,2,1)
Reed Bunting: 1 se
Swallow: 13 s/se (4,4,1,3,1)
Mistle Thrush: 1 se
Greylag Goose: 16 w at 0955hrs.
Also 1545hrs to 1615hrs
Meadow Pipits 25 se (2,8,2,2,2,10,1) Still struggling with strong wind and again came down raining light showers. Strange that no Chaffinches were seen, but the ones that struggled earlier were mainly the Mipits. Probably still more to come today in between rain showers etc.
Starling: 15e plus 200 e presumed ex roost at 0740hrs.
Pipistrelle Bat at first light
Sites worth checking out:
Friday 1st October 2021 Taylors Field (Greenslat), Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. Forecast: Wind: SSW 18mph, 12c, 70% chance of rain, Precipitation: 1.9cm, 94% humidity, 1001mb pressure, visibility: 9.7km, Cloud 98% Sunrise at 0713hs - Estimated flight elevation 60 to 150ft.
0700hrs - 1030hrs - again a terrible start with heavy rain on and off which lasted to about 1000hrs, little in the way of movement especially after 1000hrs. Some birds were high 100ft plus and got through with ease yet others were fighting low to medium (20ft to 50ft) with the wind strong and side on just struggled.
Chaffinch: 48 (16w, 7s, 25se) first 0730hrs
Linnet: 4 se
Meadow Pipit: 43 se (best parties 1x12,1x8,1x7) first 0737hrs
Swallow: 10 s/se (3,1,1,2,1,2)
Cormorant: 1nw
Raven 4 s (2 constantly battling one another)
Greylag Goose: 11 se at 0736hrs.
Also 1500hrs to 1530hrs
Chaffinch: 4 (2w 2se)
Swallow: 2 s
House Martin: 1s
Sites worth checking out:
Thursday 30th September 2021 Taylors Field (Greenslat)
Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal, Forecast: Wind South 15mph freshening to 20 with gust to 35mph, 10c-13c, 90% chance of rain, 95% humidity, 0.7cm to 1.2 precipitation, 1013 down to 1009mb pressure,8.1km visibility. Sunrise 0713 sunrise. General Flight elevation: 40 to 60ft
0850hrs -1200hrs Did not bother with early start with atrocious conditions. Even with late start it was heavy on/off rain showers, strong winds 15mph with gust to 35mph and freshning later to 20mph with gust. You could see the Mipits and Chaffs getting blow back and some going to ground. Chaffinch definately on the move now. Had a great 50 mipit party. Still occasional Swallows. First Snipe of the year.
Meadow Pipit: 79 se (best party 1x50 approx 1130hrs) Otherwise mainly 4s.
Chaffinch: 50 (46 se and 4 w) best parties: 1x9,1x8,1x5)
Linnet 20 se (5,5,10) (seem to cut the strong winds best of all the passerines)
Swallow 11 s (5,6)
Common Snipe: 3 se first of the year.
Wednesday 29th September 2021 Taylors Field (Greenslat), Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal, Forecast: Wind WNW 4mph, 7c, 30% chance of rain, Humidity 95%, Precipitation: 1.4cm, 1013mb pressure, Visibility 16.1km, 26% cloud. Sunrise 0709hrs. General Flight elevation: 100ft and above
0700hrs to 1030hrs. Generally quiet with some high altitude birds being missed. A fair variety, Chaffinch wanting to build, odd skein of Pinks, Nice Pintail group showing the true "Delta" shape formation (much wider on the "v" formation in flight), this time going the opposite to the norm with out to NW. Odd party of Swallow exiting to the NW but others all going the correct "S".
Chaffinch: 37 (3s,10w,24se)
Meadow Pipit: 12se
Swallow: 12 (6nw 6s/se)
Alba Wagtail: 1 se
Jay: 2 nw
Pintail: 7nw 0715hrs "very wide spread "v" eg: Deltoid shape formation
Pink Footed Goose: 75s at 0850hrs
Greylag Goose: 8se at 0916hrs
Red Admiral: 2s
Tuesday 28th September 2021 Taylors Field (Greenslat), Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal, Forecast: Wind: South 10mph, 9c, 80% chance of rain, Humidity 93%, Precipitation:2.1cm, 1012mb pressure, Visibility 16.1km, 100% cloud, Sunrise 0707hrs. General Flight Elevation estated at 50-100ft
0700hrs to 1115hrs Light rain off and on all morning, with birds just steadily trickling through.
Meadow Pipit: 101 se (best: 1x8,1x7,1x6) first: 0719hrs
Chaffinch: 68 (57se 11w) (best: 1x8,1x7,5x4) first: 0711hrs
Linnet: 25 se (5,20)
Alba Wagtail: 4 se (2,2)
Swallow: 13 (12s 1nw)
Mistle Thrush: 2 se
Starling: 35e ex roost from 0735hrs
Little Egret 2 se at 0737hrs
Canada Goose 2 se at 0743
Greylag Goose: 12 w at 0825.
Other areas (Today Tuesday)
801 Meadow Pipit s - Bury (Gtr Manchester)
The sky this morning looking to the South East over Dalton/Hutton Roof
Monday 27th September 2021
No counts today due to hospital appointment.
Sunday 26th September 2021 Taylors Field, Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. Forecast: Wind SSE 6mph, 15c, 50% chance of rain, Precipitation, Pressure: 1008mb, Humidity: 93%, Visibility: 12.9km, Sunrise 0703hrs.
0700hrs to 1000hrs So quiet yet again, start with light rain and visibility down to 200 yards, dried up for sometime but visibility improved but margins still full of low cloud. Just never got going for us (again!).
Meadow Pipit: 46 se first 0745
Chaffinch: 28 (2w,26s/se) first 0727
Linnet: 49 (30w and 19s/se) first 0751
Swallow: 11 s (1,10)
Alba Watail: 7 se
Blackbird: 1 e
Starling: 36 e (30,6) x roost at 0751
Other areas: (Yesterday Saturday)
Heysham had 17,000 Pink Feet heading South
Formby had 2568 Meadow Pipit South
Spurn had 1127 Linnet South
Crosby had 752 Meadow Pipit South
Oxenhope had 3790 Meadow Pipit South
Bury Gtr M/cr had 1193 Meadow Pipit South
Saturday 25th September 2021 Taylors Field, Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal, Forecast: - Wind WSW 3mph, 16c, 20% chance of rain, Precipitation, humidity 93%, 1013mb pressure. 16.1km visibility. 0702 sunrise - Flight altitude:
0700-1200hrs Today was a special day with lots of Pink Footed Geese. Some came overhead to a SE routing, but the majority were some distance away and only seen and counted with binoculars. These birds were mainly coming from a sort of Central Lakes areas and heading almost past Warton Crag to the South or South East. They started at approx 0800hrs and finished by 0900hrs although there were still the odd skeins going through up until 1130hrs. I would estimate approx 30 skeins ranging in sizes from 50 to 250. Also I did miss a few skeins which were above cloudbase.
Of interest was when a friend who lives close to my watchpoint said he and his wife were awakened at 0200hrs and 0500hrs by the sound of passing overhead geese. Also this morning was the start of the Chaffinch and Linnet proper.
Pink Footed Goose 2631 s/se (approx 30 skeins) first: 0800hrs
Meadow Pipits: 82 se (best parties: 1x8,3x6) first 0742hrs
Chaffinch: 57 (47se, 10w) (best parties: 1x10,1x9) first: 0726hrs
Linnet: 18 se (5,5,8)
Reed Bunting: 1 se
Swallow: 12 s/se (2,6,4)
Mistle Thrush: 8 sw (2,3,3)
Starling: 55 e (ex roost from 0720hrs)
Greylag Goose: 43 (20se @0725,14@0740,9w@0752)
Other areas: (Yesterday Friday)
Yesterday: 12000 Pink Footed Goose south over Spurn
Friday 24th September 2021 Taylors Field, Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal, Forecast - Wind: WSW 12mph, 10-15c, 40% chance of rain, Precipitation, humidity: 83%, Cloud 100%, Pressure 1013 mb, Visibility: 16.1km. Flight average altitude: 60ft
0700hrs - 1000hrs Actual weather - Rained throughout light drizzle, occasional wind with gust to 10mph, Visibility down to 200 yards at best and at times closing.
First on way up to watchpoint found my road closed due to a water mains burst, so instead of a detour decided to go up to Whinn Yeates and watch from there, but when I got up there it was completely fogged out within visibility down to 20 yards at best. Gave it half hour, heard lots of Geese overhead (presumed Greylags). Nothing passerine movement. So came back down at 0900hrs and went the long detour to get up to my regular watchpoint on Vicarage Lane. Here visibility was down to 200 yards at best and continual drizzle rain. Very quiet with only 3 Meadow Pipits SE and 4 Chaffinch S and that was it over one hour. Came away at 1000hrs.
Other areas: Late yesterday afternoon/early evening - Thousands of Pink Footed Geese on the move. Mainly S down East Coast, but also Simon had good numbers crossing over Manchester and heading North/North West (I wonder if these were overshot birds making their way to Martin Mere or Morecambe Bay.
Thursday 23rd September 2021 Taylors Field, Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. Wind: West 11mph, 12-15c, 20% chance of rain, Precipitation, Cloud 100%, 1017mb pressure, 16.1km visibility, 92% humidity, 0658 sunrise. Flight elevation: 30-100ft
0630 - 1030hrs Another quiet day, thats 3 quiet on the run now, it must be down to the high pressure. Other sites in Northern England its the same. Never had this so drawn out before at the usual main mipit season and thats in over 40 years... I guess there is always a first for everything.
Meadow Pipit: 15 (1s 14se) first 0730hrs.
Chaffinch: 29 (6w, 1n, 7s, 7se) first 0718hrs
Goldfinch: 5 w (single party)
Linnet: 19 se (9,10)
Swallow 9 s (4,2,3) going the regular way again today.
Mistle Thrush: 3 sw
Jay: 2 se
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 1 sw
Starling 50e ex roost at 0730hrs.
I had not realized the albatross was so large!!
Wednesday 22nd September 2021 Taylors Field, Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. Wind: WSW10 mph, 14c, 30% chance of rain, Humisiry: 97%, precipitation, 1026mb pressure. 16.1 km visibility, 6.56hrs sunrise. Flight elevation: 30-50ft
0630hrs - 1000hrs - Very quiet throughout with little moving and this seems to have been the situation at most sites throughout Northern England. Again the Swallows were exiting to the West/North West instead of their regular S/SE. The few mipits went South rather than SE.
Meadow Pipit: 16s (unusual direction normally SE)
Chaffinch: 17 (4n,4w,7s)
Linnet: 3w
Swallow: 6 (2w/nw, 2s, 2w/nw)
Starling: 1w
Jay: 2nw
Other areas:
2 Redwing reported from Banstead, Surrey.
Tuesday 21st September 2021 Taylors Field, Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. Wind: WSW 3-5mph, 10c, 100% cloud, 10% chance of rain, precipitation, 1028mb pressure. Sunrise at 0654hrs. Elevation: 100 metre approx - Birds flying at 50-100ft.
0630hrs - 1000hrs Really quiet throughout (also checked out Whinn Yeates which is at 191metres and all I found was Mipits blogging) so the extra 91 metre altitude did not help any. I just dont think they wanted to know today. The sky was milky again with little to no wind. Everyear I notice that on certain dates the Swallows exit to the North West..... I wonder why?
Meadow Pipit: 39 se
Chaffinch: 23 (12se 11w)
Greenfinch: 1 se
Linnet: 11 se (5,6)
Swallow: 10 nw (3,3,1,3)
Alba Wagtail: 1 se
Skylark: 10s (one party)
Greylag Goose: 12w (one party)
Starling: 23 e (ex roost at 0712hrs)
Red Admiral butterfly: 1 s
Monday 20th September 2021 Taylors Field, Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. Wind: ENE 3mph, 8c, 10% chance of Rain, 98% humidity, Precipitation 0.2cm, 1022mb pressure. Visability 14.5 km. Sunrise 6:53.
0630hrs to 1030hrs. Really quiet, too bright, no wind, maybe the birds went high who knows. Just a early morning flurry! Highlight yet more Pintail to SE
Meadow Pipit: 45 se (first 0659hrs)
Chaffinch: 23 se
Linnet: 20w (one party)
Swallow: 16 se (11,2,3)
Alba Wagtail: 1
Pintail: 5 se at 0652hrs
Starling: 39 e (ex roost from 0707hrs)
Above two photos taken this morning from watchpoint 20th Sept 2021
Sunday 19th September 2021 Taylors Field, Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. Wind: SW 2mph, 12c, 97% humidity, Chance of Rain 30%, 0.2cm precip, 1012 mb pressure, 9.7km visability. Sunrise 0651hrs.
0630hrs - 1200hrs A far better morning with good parties of both Meadow Pipits and Swallows. Spitting light rain at times nothing much. 1100hrs visability down to 300 yards and wind change to S and back to SSW at 1200hrs. Birds still moving on leaving. (Meadow Pipits and Swallow)
Meadow Pipit: 295 se (best parties 1x16,1x14,1x13,1x10,1x9, 2x8. (1st 0703hrs)
Swallow: 187 s/se (best parties: 1x47,1x35,1x23,1x16,1x15,1x14)
Chaffinch: 37 (21se and 16w)
Linnet: 20 se (one party)
Starling: 1 w (probably continental)
Also: Noctule Bat: 1
Starling: 38 e (ex roost from 0718hrs)
Greylag Goose: 35 w/nw (12,15)
Red Admiral butterfly: 2 s
(above cloud formations 19th September 2021)
Saturday 18th September 2021 Taylors Field, Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. Wind: ESE 3mph, 13c, 85% humidity, Chance of Rain 40%, 1013mb pressure, 16.1 km visability, sunrise 0649hrs.
0630hrs - 1000hrs - Still very quiet with little moving. Pair of Pintail to SE on usual flightpath.
Meadow Pipit: 61 (best parties: 1x8,1x7)
Chaffinch: 22 (12se and 10w)
Linnet: 1 se
Alba Wagtail: 1se
Swallow: 14 s/se (6,8)
Pintail: 2se at 0940hrs
Jay: 1s,
Heron: 1 se
Raven: 3 (1w 2nw)
Noctule Bat: 2
Also whilst travelling via Settle 3 more Pintail heading SE
Friday 17th September 2021 Taylors Field, Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. Wind SE 7mph, 12c, 91% humidity, Chance of rain 10%, 1012mb pressure, Visability: 16:1 Km, sunrise 0647hrs.
0630hrs - 1100hrs. Really poor today with just a early trickle then down to almost nil for the last hour. Mainly Meadow Pipits, still really poor on the Chaffinch. 1st Alba. also 1st Starling to the W.
Meadow Pipit: 50 se (best parties 1x8, 1x6)
Chaffinch: 8 (5w 2se)
Linnet: 5 se
Goldfinch 5 se
Swallow 7 s/se
Alba wagtail: 1 se
Starling: 1 w
Starling 33 e (presumed ex roost at 0659hrs)
Greylag Goose: 21 s/se at 0703hrs then returned W at 0736 hrs
Lovely sunrise to start the day
Thursday 16th September 2021 Taylors Field, Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal: Wind SSW 2mph, 14c, 95% humidity, 10% chance of rain, 1016mb pressure, Visability 9.7km. The wind picked up to 3mph at 0900hrs and we seemed to then get more birds.
0630hrs - 1100hrs - No pots broken just steady trickles.
Meadow Pipit: 72 (best parties 1x9,1x7,2x5) first bird 0657hrs
Chaffinch: 22 (9w,1s, 12se)
Linnet: 4 se (one group)
Swallow: 14 (4w and 10se) 4,1,4,2,1,2.
House Martin: 4 se
Pintail: 6 se (one party)
Buzzard 2s (1,1)
Pink Footed Goose heard large skein moving S. (above cloud base)
Starling 23 e (at 0703hrs presumed left roost)
Greylag Goose: 76se and 24n/nw (7se at 0644,30se@0650,30s@0655,24n/nw @0713, 9se at 0755.)
Wednesday 15th September 2021 Taylors Field, Vicarage Ln, Burton In Kendal. Wind ENE 2mph, 10c, Chance of rain 20%, Humidity 95%,1014mb pressure, visability 11.3km.
Time of Watch 0630hrs to 1000hrs. Nothing got going today, with little to no wind and very bright. Just odds and sods.
Meadow Pipit: 14 se first 0711hrs)
Swallow: 13 se (1,4,2,1,1,2,1,1)
Chaffinch: 5 se (2,3) first 0705hrs
Goldfinch: 1 se
Linnet: 10 w (one party)
Other Starling 18 e at 0708hrs (ex roost).
Noctule Bat: 1
Painted Lady Butterfly (see photo below), Green Veined Whites.
"A speck in the upper sky,
swallow-ed up by the hazy blue,
Autuminal freshness,
Wasp and others propelling wings,
create a wuzzy blur,
they zig zag across with untold speed
faster than one so swift all gone now"
(above) Painted Lady on Clover off Vicarage Lane 15th Sept 2021
Tuesday 14th September 2021 Taylors Field, Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. Wind ENE 5-6mph, 12c, Rain light off and on throughout, 100% Cloud down to 90% at close. Vis 16.1km, Humidity: 89%, Pressure 1014mb.
Time of watch 0630 to 1000hrs. A little bit of movement with the Mipits only with one party at 14.
Meadow Pipit: 60 SE (best parties: 1x14,1x8,1x6)
Chaffinch: 5 west
Swallow: 5 SE
Cormorant: 2 SE
Noctule Bat: 2 local at first light.
Wasp, Large Bees and Cockchafers. At times moving violently with speed from side to side, with heights to almost 100ft and seen regular at 40ft. Lots of activity presuming the wasp were going to feed on the fruiting Ivy.
Monday 13th September 2021 Taylors Field, Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal. Wind: East 10 - 15mph, 11c, 0.2mm rain, 100% cloud, 1020mb pressure.
Just as I thought we started to get a little movement with the change to Easterlies, but quite strong at times and birds struggled but persevered. Meadow Pipits were the main goers today. Time of watch 0630 to 1000hrs
Meadow Pipit: 68 SE (best parties 2x8, 1x7)
Chaffinch: 6 (5se and 1w)
Goldfinch: 5 se (one party)
Swallow: 13 (10se and 3n)
Starling: 6e
Greylag Goose: 14 se at 0942hrs.