Friday October 1st 2010- Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs - 0920hrs
Wind: SE 20mph with gust at 25/30mph
Cold, very light rain showers (heavy specking) at times.
All movement South - SE unless stated otherwise.
Just the odd Robin calling this morning, obviously yesterdays have now moved on. Not much happening this morning with the strong winds etc.
Raven:6 (can't distinguish locals from movers)
Alba Wagtail: 9
Chaffinch: 74 (30 W all others E-SE, best parties:7,5,4,4,4)
Meadow Pipit: 39 all South (best parties: 8,6,5,5)
Starling: 84 all E
Greenfinch: 2S
Common Gull: 138 all E (probably locals going from roost to feed inland)
Goldfinch: 6 (1W all others S)
Mistle Thrush: 1W
Redwing: 18 (One party of 15 SE at 0830 and one party of 3 W at 0905)
Tread carefully.......
A very pleasant day with plenty of warm sun to counter the cool south wind.
The council have put a barrier around an "oil" spill on the shore near ...
42 minutes ago