Mon Oct 11th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs - 1030hrs
Wind: E 3-5mph
Very bright on this side with little cloud.
Wishing last nights "push" would have continued, but not to be. Still good though.. First Fieldfares! Thrushes disorientated in the early hour and going in all directions, some even dropping down (cascading) onto the roof.. eventually after about one hour there did seem to start a path from South to NNW with some regularity, but this soon fizzled out and by 0930hrs Thrushes had virtually finished. Lots of Siskin passing through and Greenfinch now starting up.
Redwing: 1099 (38 main parties, best parties:60,50,40,60,40,40,50,40,40,40,80,60) all directions, but mainly NNW
Fieldfare: 30 (One party NNW)
Chaffinch: 280 (38W all others E)
Siskin: 13 (6 pairs) all SE
Meadow Pipit: 41 (5,4 all others pairs or singles)
Gt Spotted Woodpecker: 2E
Greenfinch: 17 (10E one party)
Redpoll: 2S
Starling: 900 ex roost at 0730, after 0930: 130 (30,20,60,20) - probably continental.
Golden Plover - several strong calls but did not see the birds.
Reed Bunting: 2S
Alba Wagtail: 7
Goldfinch: 7E (5,2)
Stock Dove: 1E
Skylark: 5S
Woodpigeon 8 (one party SE)
Blackbird: 1E
Wheatear: 1 flew within yards of me W
Yellowhammer: 2W
Tread carefully.......
A very pleasant day with plenty of warm sun to counter the cool south wind.
The council have put a barrier around an "oil" spill on the shore near ...
1 hour ago