Sunday October 3rd 2010 - Shore Road, Carnforth, Lancs.
Wind: SW 2-5mph
Movement: South unless stated otherwise.
It looked a bit fogged out over on Hutton Roof and after reading about John's fantastic Mipit count yesterday, I only had a couple of hours spare today so decided to have a look at Shore Road (probably about one mile or so further N/NW from Johns "Crag Bank" sight, to really see if I could make anything of the Mipit routing.
Sadly the weather was against us, but even with heavy continual rain, there where odd small parties still prepared to give it a shot!! and thankfully a few Mipits came through (47 in fact) and the routing corridor seemed to come from the back side of Leighton Moss and the West side of Warton Crags, which more or less I suppose put them on a fairly South routing.
It does need far more investigation, and if the weather holds OK tomorrow or Tuesday, I will try and get down there.
Meadow Pipit: 47 (best party 6, most 3 or 4s)
Alba Wagtail: 29 (best party 4, mainly 2s or 3s)
Linnet: 28: (one party 20)
Starling: 21W (6,10,5) also roost dispersal of 50S and 20S at 0745hrs.
Chaffinch: 15 (2,1W,5,6)
Reed Bunting: 1
Goldfinch: 1
Goose species: 20S at 0820, came up from somewhere near Jenny Browns Point (prob Greylag)
Although continuous heavy rain, there was still "midge plume" above the car...
PS: Peter (Marsh - Heysham) et al, last week I was at a Car Boot Sale on the A6 about one mile South in the Carnforth direction from the Hale Garage and whilst close to the back of the field, could hear Mipits going through regular, the spot was SD507763, now then when I was at Shore Road this morning, they where coming in a sort of direct North direction and straight over me, if you draw a direct line from the point at which I stood and to that point near Hale its almost direct and would certainly be worth far more investigation to try and enlarge our probable "mipit" routing path. If you continued the line further on in a North direction, the next main point would be at "Holme".
31st Mar
A very quiet morning on the produced just one *Willow Warbler*, five *Chiffchaffs
*and a *Fieldfare *while the sea brought just 55 *Common Scoters*, two *...
17 minutes ago