Sat Oct 23rd 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: W8-10mph and freshening to Northerlies. 0915 mist and light drizzle came in from East and encircled us all around to West side as well, but cleared within 15 minutes. Again hard work, birds undecided and messing, coming down feeding etc etc. Cant understand early doors, birds were cutting to NW without any problem, so no problem with winds, but yet they wer'nt keen on going, I think it may have something to do with wind changing round to the North.
Fieldfare: 1088 (all eventually NW - best: 300,110,200,100)
Redwing: 45 all NW
Chaffinch: 107 (32W all others East)
Siskin: 14 East (one party 12)
Woodpigeon: 577SE (best: 80,120,50,50,50,50)
Alba Wagtail: 2 SW
Goldfinch: 3E
Starlings: 3000 plus ex roost plus other score parties later
Redpoll: 2E
Greenfinch: 3W
Meadow Pipit 1SE.
A day to reflect
A mainly overcast but dry day. A cold SE breeze.
First some shots from Kevin Singleton, taken by the Cafe area at Half Moon
Bay yesterday, when the sun sho...
8 hours ago