Wednesday October 27th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
Wind: SW 15-25mph
Wind too strong today for good passage, it flattened most stuff, although there was a regular but small passage all flattened to within 20 metre and using cuttings etc. Since yesterday it has become quite noticeable that we are getting another surge of Redwing coming through again in small parties (max 30 at present) but without doubt it is happening, so whether these are Icelantic making a show or just late (scandics/baltics) I dont know.
Redwing: 246 (all South West to West) (best: 30,20,20,20,20,15,14, lots of 5-10 parties)
Fieldfare: 748 (all struggling but trying to go NW but getting blown all over the place (20 parties: best: 80,50,50,50,40,100,50)
Chaffinch: 78 (42W others East)
Mistle Thrush: 1
Greenfinch: 3W
Starling: several small parties W
Goldfinch: 3W
Meadow Pipit: 4SE
Siskin: 2W
Blackbird: 1SW
at 1000hrs: I left and headed up to Crook to check out the Fieldfare hold up, because Dave had told me this morning, there was still plenty there (thousands) again yesterday. The area called:Low Crag and High Crag, a small valley area with Chapel Beck running through it at its base. The nearest village is Crook ( which is approx 7 miles from Bowness On Windermere). Sadly I had obviously just missed them, although there where still a few hundred mixed thrushes present on my arrival, but they were restless and fidgeting before very soon taking off and heading further North or North West. However it did give me chance to check out the place. There is plenty of berry food in the area (mainly hawthorn and a few yews), but not massive quantities, like you get on say Hutton Roof. Although its was quite obvious that lots of berry stripping had took place in recent days, it was only on the outer part of the branches, there where still plenty of berries available. I automatically expected the area to be totally devoid of berries after such a high density of birds!
Tread carefully.......
A very pleasant day with plenty of warm sun to counter the cool south wind.
The council have put a barrier around an "oil" spill on the shore near ...
50 minutes ago