Monday October 18th 2010 - Hutton Roof, Cumbria.
0700hrs - 1030hrs.
Wind: 15mph and freshening.
All Thrushes - generally SW-W
Finches - East and West.
Noticing that Mipits are down to a trickle, and Chaffinch seem to have tumbled in numbers today, Greenfinch definately starting up today. Busy all the time with Redwings up to 1000hrs but in very small parties averaging 5-10 birds but lots of them and regular. Just a few better parties (listed). Also they were finding it hard in the wind and having to use low cuttings etc to get through.
Redwing: 506 all W to SW). (best: 50,30,30,30)
Fieldfare: 127 (best: 50,30,20,10) perhaps a little more W than Reds.
Chaffinch: 91 (best 5s,4s)
Meadow Pipit: 3
Greenfinch: 12SW (4,2,3,3)
Starling: over 3000 over Hutton Roof ex roost.
Reed Bunting: 1S
Goldfinch: 2W
Woodpigeon: 2W.
Tread carefully.......
A very pleasant day with plenty of warm sun to counter the cool south wind.
The council have put a barrier around an "oil" spill on the shore near ...
1 hour ago