1030hrs-1330hrs. Plain Quarry via Dalton Crags to Trig, Burton Fell, Lancelot Clark Storth, Pickles Wood, Storth Wood and back to Dalton Crags.
Chiffchaff Craig was singing well, Chiffchaff Craggy also singing away. Blackcap not back on Whittington side. A possible new Willow Warbler in top of Lancelot, but not too sure it could well be a dispersed bird from the earlier fall and probably some 300 yards away from main fall area. On getting down to Burton there was five separate birds calling from 546778 & 545778, still had not dispersed outside of 50 yards radious, other than maybe the Lancelot bird. Not one of the five Chiffchaffs calling today from Burton Fell. Proceeded into Lancelot from Slape Ln/Curwen Seat "Miss A Note" was singing away and also Clarky from their usual breeding grounds. Lance not singing, unless it had gone well back onto Pickles Wood side, because there was one there singing. Going through Storth, none of the three recorded where singing, but Summer was singing near the Summer House ruins.
So probably no new Willow Warblers and both Blackcaps silent today.
Some stuff on the move
A dry day, cloud cover to begin with, then sunny spells. A very light
variable breeze.
Heysham Nature Reserve
Ringing report by Jean:
In the background t...
2 hours ago