0645hrs. A new Chiffchaff arrived at "Clawthorpe Hall" (near Sunny Glen). This is a new bird to me, certainly not recorded last year and I've already christened him "Claw". Other Chiffchaffs not yet arrived back are: "Mo" (from Mowbray Drive), "Dale" from Dalton Hall, "Victor or Vikky" from Vicarage Lane, and Slap (from Slape Lane).
0845hrs. Had a walk from Plain Quarry up to Trig and back. Chiffchaff (Craig) was calling to the East side of Plain Quarry, also Goldcrest calling from the same area. Also Jay, Greater Spotted Woodpeckers (2), Green Woodpeckers (yafflers 2), Alba Wagtail (1), Redpoll (4) plus only 7 Meadow Pipits through over a couple of hours. Even the local breeders where quiet. Still high pressure!. A new Chiffchaff calling from the East side of the Trig in the wooded area just below Ploverlands and near where the Squinancywort is. Looks like the leafage of Angular Solomans Seal is between the grykes about 200yards SSE of the Trig Point. Goldcrest in large conifers in Dalton just below where the Charcoal Burners used to be. Chiffchaff (Summer) has arrived back today and singing away Just behind old Summer House Ruins.
1540hrs approx. Sadly saw a fresh Barn Owl casualty in the hard shoulder approx 1/2 mile Southbound of the Forton Services where just at the back is a water area, eg: a reservoir or lake which is screened with conifers.