0545hrs-0700hrs. Chiffchaff Henrietta who has only just arrived in the last few days was singing very strong, at the same place Dalton Lane junction with Nineteen Trees Lane.
0915hrs -1030hrs Had a party of four Swallows passing North overhead at Curwen Wood.
Then Plain Quarry up to Trig and back. On leaving car the new Garden Warbler that came in on Saturday was singing. All the regular, Chiffchaffs, Willow Warblers, Tree Pipits where all singing away. And on way back just before coming down to Car Park, the Garden Warbler was still singing, along with two nearby Blackcaps.
A pair of Redpoll came over heading North. Still only a few Swallows returned to breeding grounds. at Green Dragon Farm theres about two back and at Russell Farm, Dalton, theres about 6 or 7 back. Still well under norm...
Some stuff on the move
A dry day, cloud cover to begin with, then sunny spells. A very light
variable breeze.
Heysham Nature Reserve
Ringing report by Jean:
In the background t...
1 hour ago